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“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund

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Winter Colds

As far back as October, the media were reporting a super cold spreading around the country. When Winter came, people started to suffer with the worst cold that they’d ever experienced. Anyone who has children will have seen the daily absences from this nasty seasonal cold.

It seems that all the lockdowns, in stopping us from mixing, also stopped other viruses from moving between people, viruses which are quite common in the population every year. When we began to resume normal daily activities, the cold virus, unfortunately, made up for lost time with a vengeance.

If you, or a family member, are suffering with a nasty cold, or have had one recently, and still don’t feel quite right, then there are natural options which you could try. Homeopathy offers a gentle and natural option for all the family, and is used by millions of people around the world. It works with your body’s own healing mechanism, and can be used preventatively too. 

Aconite is often a great homeopathic medicine to take at the start of a cold, and it’s worth remembering for complaints that come on suddenly, especially after having been outside in the cold. Bryonia can be a very useful option when coughs are dry and painful, and where there’s often a dryness of the throat.

Have a look at the 4Homeopathy app, listed on the apple store and Google Play as ‘Homeopathy UK’, where there are many more homeopathic medicines which can help you with minor ailments through the Winter. Alternatively, book a consultation with a registered homeopath on the Find a Homeopath website for more advice. There’s no need to suffer unnecessarily when there’s help at hand, especially over the festive period.

Remember though, if you are concerned that it may be more than a common cold, please follow the recommended guidance, and get tested to keep you and your family safe.

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Stress happens to everyone. It’s a normal human reaction to harmful situations, to which the human body is designed to experience and react. It triggers a chemical reaction in the body to help us deal with the situation or threat, and can actually be beneficial in small doses to help motivate us and meet our daily demands. 

The problem occurs when our body has to deal with long term, chronic stress. This leaves us feeling physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. If you’re feeling like this, you must act.

Stress, and our ability to cope with it, varies greatly from person to person, and the symptoms can present themselves in many different ways. Trouble sleeping, headaches, muscle tension and aches, and stomach and digestive problems, are all common symptoms, but there are many others. It’s important not to ignore the physical and mental manifestations of stress, as they can become chronic and lead to additional health problems.

Homeopathy is a whole-person medicine which treats you as an individual. A registered homeopath will look at all of your symptoms, and recommend a suitable homeopathic medicine. This can be particularly useful with a conditions like stress, which manifests itself in so many different ways. Homeopathy treats the person, not the illness, and supports the body’s built in healing mechanism.

If you’re feeling under pressure, and experiencing stress that you don’t feel able to cope with, homeopathy could be a natural option to try. It is used by millions of people across the world for a wide range of conditions.

Remember though, the most important thing is that you seek help. Don’t feel that you can’t get support if you need it.

If you wish to try homeopathy, use the find a homeopath website to search for a registered homeopath in your area.

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If you have ever suffered with arthritis you will know how debilitating it can be. It can make doing routine everyday tasks painful and difficult, and can affect people of all ages, including children. As we approach Winter, with colder weather ahead, symptoms can get worse, so now is the time to seek help.

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint. There are more than 10 million people in the UK suffering with conditions that affect the joints, including arthritis. The most commonly affected joints are the hands, spine, knees and hips. Sufferers report a wide range of symptoms - joint pain, tenderness and stiffness, inflammation in and around the joints, restricted movement of the joints, warm red skin over the affected joint, and weakness and muscle wasting are the most common symptoms.

Conventional treatments aim to slow the condition's progress and minimise joint inflammation to try and prevent joint damage. However, if you are not happy with the treatment you have received, or want to try a natural alternative, then homeopathy is worth exploring.

Homeopathy is a natural, safe and gentle system of medicine that has been around for over 200 years. It’s an individualised medicine which seeks to identify the root cause of your condition. Remedies are selected according to each individual’s unique symptoms. Rhux tox, for example, can be used where the joints are hot, stiff and painful, but this is just one of a range of homeopathic medicines which are commonly used for arthritic and rheumatoid pain. 

If you want advice, search for a registered homeopath on the Find a Homeopath website, or visit one of the homeopathic pharmacies. Arthritic pain isn’t something that you have to put up with. There is help available.

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Anyone who has suffered with a skin condition like eczema will know how it can affect you. Not just the way you look, but how you feel about yourself. It can impact other aspects of your life and wellbeing, and isn’t just a matter of physical discomfort or inconvenience. Eczema may make you feel embarrassed, anxious, or lacking in self-confidence. Itchiness is the worst and most common physical symptom of eczema, and can often be the most difficult to treat.

Eczema, or dermatitis, is a dry skin condition which comes in many different forms, and varies from person to person. Different triggers and factors can cause eczema - anything from allergies, clothing, cold weather, the sun, diet, stress, even everyday household products. In the UK, one in five children and one in ten adults have eczema, perhaps around 15 million people.

If eczema is affecting you and your daily life, then you need to seek help. Homeopathy is a safe, natural option. It is an individualised, whole-person  medicine which works with your own body. A homeopath will talk to you about your symptoms, how they affect you, and look for the root cause of the eczema. People around the world report positive results from using homeopathy for a range of skin conditions such as eczema. Why not give it a try yourself? It could save you a lot of unnecessary discomfort and distress.

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Pet Health

People often say that Britain is a country of animal lovers. It is estimated that there are almost as many pets as people in the UK, an astonishing 51 million. Almost every other household is believed to have a pet. So you’d probably be right in saying we Brits adore our animals. 

Unsurprisingly, our most popular pets are dogs, with nearly a quarter of households owning a dog, followed by cats. We then have millions of small furries like guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits. Let’s not forget to mention horses and fish. 

Pets play an important part in many of our lives. Regular interaction with a pet can have significant health benefits, from reduced stress levels to increased fitness. After all they do for us, it’s important that we also give them the care they deserve in return. Britain was, in fact, the first country in the world to start a welfare charity for animals, as far back as 1824, and animal welfare is as important to us as ever.

What many people might not know is that homeopathy can be a natural and gentle option for our pets for a wide range of ailments, keeping our precious pets healthy. Arnica is a well-known and widely used homeopathic medicine for injuries and bruising in both humans and animals, Nux vomica can be used successfully for upset stomachs, and Rhus tox can help your pets with stiff joints. Remember that homeopathy is an individualised medicine though, so like a human, our pets benefit most from a medicine specially tailored to their needs.

If you think your pet might benefit from homeopathy, then visit the find a homeopath website, and search for a registered homeopathic vet. Check out the 4Homeopathy video too, and listen for yourself how one pet owner helped her dog with homeopathy. Don't hesitate to call your own vet if symptoms are serious or persist.

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