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“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund

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Anyone who has suffered with a skin condition like eczema will know how it can affect you. Not just the way you look, but how you feel about yourself. It can impact other aspects of your life and wellbeing, and isn’t just a matter of physical discomfort or inconvenience. Eczema may make you feel embarrassed, anxious, or lacking in self-confidence. Itchiness is the worst and most common physical symptom of eczema, and can often be the most difficult to treat.

Eczema, or dermatitis, is a dry skin condition which comes in many different forms, and varies from person to person. Different triggers and factors can cause eczema - anything from allergies, clothing, cold weather, the sun, diet, stress, even everyday household products. In the UK, one in five children and one in ten adults have eczema, perhaps around 15 million people.

If eczema is affecting you and your daily life, then you need to seek help. Homeopathy is a safe, natural option. It is an individualised, whole-person  medicine which works with your own body. A homeopath will talk to you about your symptoms, how they affect you, and look for the root cause of the eczema. People around the world report positive results from using homeopathy for a range of skin conditions such as eczema. Why not give it a try yourself? It could save you a lot of unnecessary discomfort and distress.

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Pet Health

People often say that Britain is a country of animal lovers. It is estimated that there are almost as many pets as people in the UK, an astonishing 51 million. Almost every other household is believed to have a pet. So you’d probably be right in saying we Brits adore our animals. 

Unsurprisingly, our most popular pets are dogs, with nearly a quarter of households owning a dog, followed by cats. We then have millions of small furries like guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits. Let’s not forget to mention horses and fish. 

Pets play an important part in many of our lives. Regular interaction with a pet can have significant health benefits, from reduced stress levels to increased fitness. After all they do for us, it’s important that we also give them the care they deserve in return. Britain was, in fact, the first country in the world to start a welfare charity for animals, as far back as 1824, and animal welfare is as important to us as ever.

What many people might not know is that homeopathy can be a natural and gentle option for our pets for a wide range of ailments, keeping our precious pets healthy. Arnica is a well-known and widely used homeopathic medicine for injuries and bruising in both humans and animals, Nux vomica can be used successfully for upset stomachs, and Rhus tox can help your pets with stiff joints. Remember that homeopathy is an individualised medicine though, so like a human, our pets benefit most from a medicine specially tailored to their needs.

If you think your pet might benefit from homeopathy, then visit the find a homeopath website, and search for a registered homeopathic vet. Check out the 4Homeopathy video too, and listen for yourself how one pet owner helped her dog with homeopathy. Don't hesitate to call your own vet if symptoms are serious or persist.

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Improve your Wellbeing

People use the term wellbeing regularly, but do we really understand the complex mix of physical, psychological and lifestyle factors which affect our wellbeing, and what we can do to improve it?

This June, we invite you to take a first step to address any issues which could help improve your wellbeing. A good sense of wellbeing not only improves our general feelings of happiness and fulfilment, but could in turn help us avoid physical and mental health problems in future.

In order to make these first steps, we must understand for ourselves what constitutes wellbeing, what contributes to our positive wellbeing, and what negatively affects us.

Ask yourself some questions to assess your own wellbeing. Are you optimistic? Do you often feel relaxed? Do you feel energetic? Do you feel you cope well with your problems? Are you able to think clearly and concentrate?

These are just some of the questions which could help you determine your level of wellbeing. Negative contributors for wellbeing include things such as lack of social activity, poor diet and lack of exercise, stress, consistent poor sleep, and poor physical health and chronic illness.

Whatever your answers to these questions, the good news is that there are always things we each can do to improve and maintain our own positive wellbeing.

Remember too, that your sense of wellbeing will change. We all experience highs and lows, but if you feel you are having more lows than highs, and are not sure how to improve this on your own, then talking to a counsellor or a healthcare practitioner like a homeopath could help. 

A homeopath will look at you as a whole-person. They will empower you to address the challenges to improve your wellbeing. Homeopathy is a natural, safe medicine which supports the body’s own self-healing mechanism. Try homeopathy this June. It could be the right option for your physical and mental wellbeing.

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Holiday Health

May has brought a welcome further easing in lockdown restrictions, with travel now possible, and many of us are starting to think about taking a holiday and returning to normal. Not to mention that we all need a break, and re-charge our batteries. Amongst all the excitement of that long-awaited holiday, whether that’s in the UK or abroad, don’t forget about basic holiday health matters like stings, sunburn and travel sickness.

Homeopathy can help with all your holiday health needs for the whole family. Don’t wait till you need to find a pharmacy in your holiday destination. Don’t get caught out. It’s best to get organised now, and prepare in advance.

Sunburn is uncomfortable, and can be dangerous, so it shouldn’t be ignored. It’s better not to get burnt in the first place, but we all know how easy it is to lose track of time in the sun, especially children when they are playing in the sea, on the beach, or in the countryside. Belladonna is a commonly used homeopathic medicine for sunburn, which could be right for you.

Why risk ruining your holiday with travel sickness on the way there or back, when Nux vom or Cocculus can provide options for relief? There’s also nothing worse than being bitten by an insect, and then itching for the rest of the holiday. If this happens, Apis may be the homeopathic option for you. 

A consultation with a homeopath can ensure that you are fully equipped for all these common holiday health ailments, and for just being out and about during the better weather.

Whatever your holiday health needs, homeopathy offers a gentle, natural option. Prepare now, so you can enjoy your break without worrying about common health worries. And if just planning the holiday is making you feel stressed, homeopathy can help with that too.

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Seasonal Allergies

April brings the start of spring, lighter evenings, blossoming flowers, and the promise of warmer days to come. With lockdown easing, it means we can get out and about more too. However, for some people, April marks the onset of the allergy season, a source of distress and discomfort that can persist for months.

Allergy symptoms can include sneezing and coughing, itchy, sore and streaming eyes, a blocked or runny nose, itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears, fatigue, headache. According to the NHS, one in four people will suffer from an allergy at some stage in their life. Allergies are rated as the number one chronic health issue across Europe. However, some approaches may only offer temporary relief, or suppress the body’s natural immune response, and don’t address the root cause of the problem. In contrast, homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own defence system to cope with the exposure to the allergens, rather than just suppressing the symptoms. Homeopathy is a natural, safe and gentle system of medicine that has been around for over 200 years. The appropriate homeopathic medicine is selected according to each individual’s unique symptoms, and a well-matched choice could provide long-lasting relief for allergy sufferers. Now that really is a reason to celebrate the arrival of spring. 

Some common homeopathic medicines used for seasonal allergies are:

Allium Cepa

Made from the onion with its well-known tear-inducing qualities, Allium Cepa may be useful for treating hay fever where the eyes are itchy, streaming and sensitive to light. There will be bouts of sneezing and a burning, watery discharge from the nose. Consider this homeopathic medicine when symptoms are worse in the evening and better in cold rooms and fresh air.

Nux vom

This homeopathic medicine can be helpful for those with intense sneezing, a hot face and irritated, watery eyes and nose. Try this when the sufferer is bad tempered, impatient and sensitive to the cold, and when symptoms are worse in dry air.

Arsenicum Album

A burning sensation in the nose, eyes or throat is a key indicator for choosing this homeopathic medicine. Discharges from the eyes and the nose will also burn and irritate the skin. The sufferer is likely to feel anxious, restless and thirsty for frequent but small amounts of water.

These are just three of hundreds of possible homeopathic medicines that can help relieve allergy symptoms. For individualised treatment, and to achieve best results, it is much better to consult a registered homeopath. 

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