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“I was disenchanted with drugs and looking for a healthier approach. Homeopathy has improved my overall health by miles and I never have a need for anything else. ”
Victoria McCurdy
“I was disenchanted with drugs and looking for a healthier approach. Homeopathy has improved my overall health by miles and I never have a need for anything else. ”
Victoria McCurdy
David has worked as a homeopathic Physician for 30 plus years and is based in Winchester at The Natural Practice. He works with three other Homeopathic Physicians who offer video consultations and appointments in Winchester, London, Oxford, Bournemouth, Basingstoke and Chichester. David edited ‘Principles and Practice of Homeopathy'.  
View David Owen's Profile

Homeopathy Training Accredited Courses

Homeopathy Training (HT), formerly the Homeopathy Course Providers Forum (HCPF), is the voice of homeopathy training and education in the UK.

HT is totally independent of all other professional bodies, although it works closely with the professional registers and the regulators of homeopathy (formerly CORH, which had representatives on the main council and all its working groups).

Our aim is to promote excellence in the profession through upholding the philosophy and principles inherent in homeopathy and by promoting, reviewing and maintaining high professional standards of education and training.

HT also facilitates and maintains dialogue between members. It allows members to be represented in all forums that affect education and training in homeopathy in order that the group can inform and influence procedures and policies relating to the profession.

HT is a critical friend to the professional regulators and the other bodies affecting the homeopathy profession. The experience of all the training providers together is used to ensure that only standards and regulations appropriate to homeopathy are to be implemented.

HT membership is open to all UK homeopathy training providers whose graduates are of professional, registerable standard.

Visit Homeopathy Training website.

Homeopathy Training  – Quality Assurance Validation Scheme

The Quality Assurance Validation Scheme run by Homeopathy Training follows the accreditation handbook written by the Accreditation Steering Group of the Council of Organisations Registering Homeopaths, which dissolved in 2007. The handbook is the result of six years of work, undertaken by representatives of the homeopathy professional bodies, the homeopathy course providers, patient representatives and independent educationalists. The purpose of this document is to create a process through which the quality of homeopathy education can be evaluated against agreed criteria. Each criterion contributes to the overall assessment of whether a course will produce graduates of sufficient competence to practise as an independent professional homeopath, meeting or exceeding the requirements of the National Occupational Standards.

Course providers who wish to be validated under this scheme apply to the HT Quality Assurance panel, and must demonstrate their course meets the standards as stated in the criteria. This is reviewed by the panel, who are members of HT. Once validated, the course provider is required to submit a review annually, and a peer-review biennially, to ensure maintenance of standards and ongoing development. All participants in the QA system are encouraged to follow a developmental and self-reflective approach to working. The process should enable all course providers to develop their own understanding of, and skills in, supportive course evaluation resulting in positive and creative professional growth.

Courses currently validated under this scheme:
The School of Health
Southern College of Homeopathy
The Homeopathy College
The Midlands College of Homeopathy
College of Practical Homeopathy (UK) Ltd