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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
David has worked as a homeopathic Physician for 30 plus years and is based in Winchester at The Natural Practice. He works with three other Homeopathic Physicians who offer video consultations and appointments in Winchester, London, Oxford, Bournemouth, Basingstoke and Chichester. David edited ‘Principles and Practice of Homeopathy'.  
View David Owen's Profile


Michelle says "I am passionate about personalised and approachable healthcare. Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole, taking into account mind and body which is important. You feel in control of your health when using the remedy and other complementary medicine.” Michelle was initially introduced to homeopathy when her daughter Maia was a baby and subsequently used homeopathic remedies to treat all manner of childhood health issues including teething, chesty coughs and colds, bumps and bruises. Michelle explains: “Maia is soon off to university and still using homeopathy herself for anxiety when dealing with exam stress and hay fever.” For personal use, Michelle often uses homeopathy to calm her anxiety before live shows. Currently starring in The Glass Supper at the Hampstead Theatre until the end of July 2014, Michelle says “I was getting anxious about the opening and it really helped settle my nerves and keep my concentration”. Michelle’s experiences with homeopathy mirror the experience of millions of others who use homeopathy and reflects the growing body of research evidence in the field. Speaking ahead of her appearance in hospital drama Casualty in July, Michelle believes homeopathy treatments should be more widely available on the NHS: “Homeopathy is very important to healthy living. It empowers you to take control of your health. The NHS should be looking to things like this to help manage spiraling costs as it is so inexpensive and effective, plus conventional drugs can have horrible side-effects which make things worse."

Charlotte says "I’m totally accident-prone and after numerous bump and bruises, my Dad, a doctor, suggested I visit a homeopath for neck pains and migraines. I immediately noticed a huge difference and from that day on I’ve relied on homeopathy for a whole range of health issues and for general wellbeing too."

Alice says "I’m relatively new to the world of homeopathy but have already seen noticeable results. As an actress and singer I suffer from stage fright and find homeopathic remedies really help to calm my nerves. It’s so important for people to have a choice when it comes to their wellbeing and I’m pleased I’ve discovered a natural way of keeping myself healthy. The foxglove (Digitalis) on my leg is well known for treating heart irregularities, amongst other things."

Amal says "I try really hard to lead a healthy and more importantly, natural lifestyle. I’ve used homeopathy for a wide range of health issues and it’s never let me down. It’s also great for general wellbeing, as remedies are very affordable and the effect they have on me is really noticeable. As part of the campaign, I had lilies (LiliumTigrinum) painted onto my back. This beautiful remedy is sometimes used to treat women with gynaecological issues."

Janey Lee says "I’m passionate about 100% natural health and wellbeing, and believe that it’s so valuable for people to take responsibility for their health, and to try a natural approach. I was first introduced to homeopathy 15 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. I gave birth in a fabulous hospital where the midwives prescribed homeopathy during labour. Later I used homeopaths to sort all manner of the kids’ illnesses. For the campaign, I’ve had diamonds (Adamas) painted onto my neck – the remedy isused by homeopaths to treat severe depression, and also can help women in the menopause."

Jo says "I’m a firm believer in all things natural and always used to treat my children with homeopathic remedies - gentle and safe, yet still effective. Now my children use homeopathy for their children and it continues to work wonders! I’m pleased to see it being passed down the generations and being used as a natural alternative to traditional medicines. As part of the campaign, I had bees (also known as ‘Apis’) painted onto my hand – amazingly they help stings and acute swelling of the skin."

Louise says "As a professional Athlete I believe it’s incredibly important to carefully consider what you are putting into your body. That is why I take a natural approach to my health and well-being. As an Olympic Athlete, I have used homeopathy countless times to assist with the various bumps and bruises that I have suffered from hitting hurdles. My favourite homeopathic remedy is arnica and I wouldn’t dream of using anything else. Homeopathy offers a range of natural remedies. The snake (Lachesis) which is depicted in this image represents the remedy which is often used to help treat several menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes."

Stacey says "It might seem odd that I choose to do a job which involves a LOT of long haul flights when I’m a very nervous flyer! I first discovered homeopathy when a friend suggested trying it to overcome my phobia of flying and I haven’t looked back since – it really has worked! As part of the Homeopathy Works For Me campaign, I had Gelsemium painted onto me – this is a fantastic remedy that helps to ease anticipatory anxiety or nervousness, and it’s also a really good remedy for flu."

Debbie says "I was fortunate enough to find homeopathy following the breakdown of my marriage, I’d started to gain weight and was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. As a result of this I was prescribed thyroxine tablets which are meant to be taken for life. Wanting to avoid this, on the advice of a friend I turned to Dr Sharma, a well-known homeopathic doctor, who was able to provide me with a cure. Since then I have followed a holistic approach to medicine and to everyday life."

Gaby says "I find homeopathy incredibly useful for keeping me and my family healthy. I depend on it and have a kit of homeopathic medicines ready for what day-to-day life might bring. Homeopathy works extremely well on children. When my daughter was about 1½ she had lingering cough that would not go away no matter what we did. I took her to see a homeopath and within days of taking the homeopathic medicine prescribed my daughter’s cough cleared. This and many other visits to the homeopath with excellent outcomes have convinced me of the effectiveness of homeopathy. Homeopathy has a tremendous amount to offer everyone in Britain. I use many complementary medicines and therapies and I believe they should be used alongside traditional medicine. The British Homeopathic Association has for decades been promoting integration of homeopathy in the health service. I’m extremely pleased to be associated with the campaign to raise awareness of homeopathy and how it can be used more widely in healthcare today."

Susan says "I started using homeopathy over 40 years ago and have relied on it to treat myself and my family ever since. I keep a wide selection of homeopathic remedies on hand at home and use them to treat anything from bruises to throat complaints. Treatments I’ve used over the years, and continue to use, include Arnica, Bryonia, Rhus tox, Aconite, Hypericum, Hepar sulph, Ruta grav, Argent nit and Arum triph. As well as this, I always carry my reference book of homeopathic remedies with me everywhere I go. One treatment which I have found particularly effective is Hypericum and Calendula, which I use regularly to treat my skin."

Peter says "I’ve used homeopathy for many years and am convinced of its therapeutic value. I first came to know about homeopathy through my son who as a baby suffered from eczema. He had it a couple of years but with conventional treatment the eczema was getting progressively worse and at the age of 4 he also developed asthma. We turned to homeopathy then out of desperation and were stunned with the positive results. Since then I have used homeopathy for a wide variety of illnesses, but I rely on Arnica as it’s excellent for treating the everyday bruises and shocks to the system we face. My view is that homeopathy and conventional medicines must remain side by side under the NHS to offer the best to patients."

Jo says: "I’m a great believer in all things natural, and Homeopathy has always worked wonders for me. I’ve used it on all my family for many years, and now my daughter is passing it on to her daughter. The Earth supplies us with everything we need to keep fit, well and healthy, that is why Homeopathy is the thing for me."