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“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund

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A homeopathic approach to dealing with anger

It is Anger Awareness Week from 1-6th December. It is important for us all, that we learn to control what can be a negative emotion, and have huge consequences to our own emotional and physical health and also the wellbeing and lives of those around us.

The British Association of anger management states: ‘The aim of Anger Awareness Week is to identify anger as a disturbing social issue which needs to be brought out into the open and addressed effectively. Anger Awareness Week will help people befriend anger by using the right tools to calm themselves down and to deal effectively with this emotion, be it of their own or that of others.’

Some anger is normal and possibly a healthy reaction to situations that for whatever reason, provoke an anger response.  Such strength of emotion can motivate one to take charge, to change things from a negative to a positive and to stop us being a victim in certain circumstances.  It is, in my opinion, a way of telling ourselves that our limits of tolerance have been reached, to step back and reassess and to change whatever it is that is upsetting us.  So, on a positive side, anger can be both motivating and empowering, providing it is short lived and contained. However, I am sure we have all ‘crossed the line’ at times and acted in a way, which in retrospect, we would change.  Normally, no harm is done, hurt feelings, bruised pride and a sense of being temporarily out of control, which is often, hopefully, balanced by heartfelt apologies and possibly lessons learnt; we are after all, only human and have a right to experience both positive and negative emotions.

It does, however, risk becoming pathological and a danger to ones’ health when it cannot be controlled or channeled positively and in a short period of time. This can cause both physical and mental problems which can become deep seated. High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and a variety of emotional health problems. Symptoms would depend on the cause but could include violence, rudeness, loss of control, and inability to be rational. Physically, flushed face, increased blood pressure, tension throughout the body, rapid pulse, shortness of breath and shaking. As a consequence, the immune system can become affected as the vital force is knocked off balance There are few things worse than absorbing the vibration of someone who is permanently angry with life. For both the victims and his/her victims, it is essential to focus and address the route cause of the problem and treat with an appropriate remedy. Homeopathy will help to bring the body into a state of homeostasis, balancing the mind and body, by addressing specific aetiologies (causes).  Anger is frequently caused by overwhelming stress and anxiety but the specific state would be addressed and a suitable remedy suggested in keeping with the totality of the characteristic symptoms. Underneath the anger could lie feelings of fear and anxiety, hurt, humiliation, feelings of rejection, physical or emotional abuse, or it could be a physical problem affecting the mind, all of which could be discovered throughout in depth consultation. Specific remedies for other triggers are listed below.

Remedies to consider:

  • Arnica – If the anger follows a fright.

  • Aurum Metallicum – Deep depression, fear, worry accompanying the anger, very sensitive, possibly talks of suicide.

  • Bryonia alba – If everything is irritating and the anger is accompanied by a headache, parched mouth and dizziness

  • Chamomilla – If anger causes colic, perspiration; in teething babies, and temper tantrums in children/people of all ages. Pain for both the victim and the witness is often intolerable.

  • Cina- Anger accompanied by nervousness; children can be particularly abusive. Frequently, intestinal worms are part of the picture.

  • Colocynthis – Anger with indignation, often accompanied by stomach cramps

  • Crocus Sativas – Anger often with violence, followed by laughter

  • Ignatia –Where anger follows grief, shock or disappointment, sighing and sobbing, melancholic

  • Mercurius solubilis - Sudden anger with an impulse to do violence

  • Natrum Mur - Ill effects from anger with fear. Sometimes vengeful and violent.

  • Nitric acid - Hateful vindictive head strong but with hopeless despair, sensitive to noise pain and touch

  • Nux vomica - Violent temper and can not bear contradiction, generally irritable and angry. Anger may lead to indigestion. Person is irritable and can not bear noise or smells. Moody and fault finding and with a fiery temperament

  • Sepia - Sepia is a good remedy for pre menstrual or menopausal anger. Easily offended and indifferent to family; very sad and weepy with anxiety towards evening.

  • Staphysagria - Ill effects from anger and insults, suppressed anger and indignation. A common remedy for suppressed anger that is suddenly explosive.

  • Sulphur - Feels depressed, weak lazy and irritable selfish with no regard for others

In addition to consulting a homeopath, there is much you can do for yourself.

  • Identify the cause and any situations that are likely to provoke anger. Avoid where possible and realize the negative, destructive effect exposing yourself to these situations has on you and others.

  • Exercise helps to work out negative energies as does yoga, and meditation

  • Cultivate your loves and interests and focus on what you enjoy and what gives you profound satisfaction – music, writing, painting etc.

  • Avoid any sort of addictive behavior, (alcohol, drugs, fast food) or at least recognize it, and seek help. This behavior can cause or exacerbate the state.

  • Try and be positive and nurture loving thoughts

  • Be accountable for your actions and reason with yourself; imagine you are a highly esteemed role model for your family, friends and children and act like you would like them to do so.

By controlling your anger, you will be healthier and happier and will be able to radiate your calm to a positive effect on those around you. The change starts with you.  For more advice, contact a homeopath at www.findahomeopath.org.

Gill Graham



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Homeopathy for Coughs

Homeopathy for Coughs - Registered Homeopath Ulrike Holzer explains more:


Coughing is due to irritation of the respiratory tract at any point between the larynx and the deeper parts of the lungs. It serves the purpose of clearing our airways of mucus, bugs and foreign particles.

A cough may flare up suddenly, caused by dust, fumes or smoke. But usually it occurs as part of an overall picture of a throat or chest infection. The chest infection may have developed from a cold or it may have started ‘on the chest’. Even a little cough can be debilitating but remember that a cough is a symptom, not a disease in and of itself, that’s often indicative of an underlying condition. The most common conventional treatment for coughs are decongestants and cough suppressants. While these may offer temporary relief from the symptoms, they do so by suppressing the body’s own defences. Cough medicines block the body’s cough reflex, which can be problematic as coughing helps to clear the breathing passages.

Homeopathy for different types of Coughs

dry cough which produces little or no phlegm. It is often the result of infection by cold and flu viruses. It can also be triggered by atmospheric pollutants (such as cigarette smoke) irritating your throat. In most of these situations, dry coughs occur because the back of your throat becomes irritated or inflamed, but may also arise from deeper in the chest. The following homeopathic remedies may be helpful for dry coughs:

  • Aconite: Sudden and violent onset of symptoms of a croup-like cough in very dry cold weather. Often there is also anxiety and restlessness. The person may have a fever and is thirsty, but doesn’t sweat.

  • Bryonia: Slow and gradual onset of cough symptoms, often accompanied by fever. The cough sounds dry and hacking. Very painful cough (sharp and stabbing pains in throat and chest), which is worse from any movement and better for holding the chest. Thirsty for large quantities of water. Cough is aggravated by eating, drinking and entering a warm room.  Better for pressure, holding the chest and keeping absolutely still. Worse for any movement and can be worse at night.

  • Drosera: Cough is dry, irritating and spasmodic. Coughing takes breath away. Attacks follow each other very rapidly, can hardly breathe. Coughing is so hard that it can result in vomiting or nosebleeds. Deep barking or choking coughs. Hoarseness of voice.

  • Rumex crispus: Dry, tickling cough preventing sleep. Barking, incessant and tiring cough. Tickling sensation in the throat, as if a breadcrumb is stuck in the throat. Dry mucus membranes followed by sticky mucus. Cough worse by lying on left side, inspiring cool air and at night.

  • Spongia tosta: Dry, barking, croupy cough. Wheezing and rasping. The larynx is sensitive to touch. Raw, tearing and burning pain in larynx from coughing. Cough sounds “dry as a bone”, like  ‘ a saw driven through a pine board’. Cough excited by talking. Sensation as if breathing through a sponge. Hoarse voice. Cough is worse in warm room and talking, and better from drinking warm drinks.

wet/chesty cough is triggered by an excessive amount of mucus in the chest. A productive cough is most often the result of an infection by cold and flu viruses and is often accompanied by symptoms of the cold of flu, a blocked nose and fever. The following homeopathic remedies may be helpful for chesty coughs:

  • Antimonium tartaricum: Cough is wet and rattling, but the mucus is thick and difficult to cough up. Breathless, wheezy and noisy chest.  Lungs seem full of mucus yet less and less is raised. Gasping fro air before every attack of cough. Cough is worse in warm rooms, overheating and warm weather. Better in cold, open air and sitting erect.

  • Blatta orientalis: Shortness of breath. Difficult breathing, better from expectoration of mucus. The cough is suffocating from great accumulation of mucus. Purulent cough with yellow mucus.

  • Ferrum phosphoricum: Short, painful and tickling cough with sore chest. Hacking, tormenting, spasmodic cough with much production of mucus. Worse at night. Better cold application and lying down.

  • Ipecacuanha: Spasmodic cough with rapid development of phlegm which may be vomited up. Cough is incessant and violent with every breath. The person often feels nauseous and vomits. Cough is worse in warm/damp environment/weather. Better from open air.

  • Mercurius solubis: Shortness of breath when coughing. Excessive yellow/green phlegm, which can be easily coughed up. Cough is worse from drafts, taking cold. Worse changing weather and temperature, and worse at night. Better from moderate temperature and in the morning.

  • Pulsatilla: Cough is productive in the day and dry in the night. Thick, yellow and loose phlegm. All symptoms are worse in hot/stuffy rooms and from warm air, but better from cool, fresh/open air.

General advice to manage a cough

  • Keep hydrated! Drinking plenty of water is essential to keep the mucus membranes moist. This is particularly important in winter as houses tend to be dry due to central heating etc.. Add honey or ginger to hot tea to relieve your cough and clear your airway.

  • Avoid irritants, such as smoke, dust, perfumes and scented air fresheners as these may irritate the lining of the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract.

  • Steam! Steam, quite literally, loosens phlegm and mucus and thus alleviates cough symptoms. So by taking a hot shower/bath a cough can be greatly helped.

Call the doctor if:

  • The overall condition worsens.

  • There are other problems, such like a heart condition etc.

  • The new infection is in addition to a long-term chest infection, such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

Note: Do not attempt to treat severe bronchitis or pneumonia yourself.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace the advice of your physician or health care provider. First aid situations may require medical or hospital care. Do not use this article as a means to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think that your condition may be serious, before discontinuing any medication that has been prescribed for you, or before starting any new treatment.

If you cannot decide which homeopathic remedy to select or if your cough lingers then please book an appointment for a full consultation with a professional homeopath.

Ulrike Holzer  LSECH MSCH MARH (Registered Homeopath)


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WHO Antibiotic Awareness Week, The Problem, A Plan of Action and A Potential Solution

As you are possibly aware, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has designated this week (14th-20th November 2016) to making people aware of the global problem of antibiotic resistance. There have been many articles written to highlight this but hopefully the following information will summarise concisely and clearly the problem and present viable solutions.

The key facts, are as follows:

  • Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today.

  • Antibiotic resistance can affect anyone, of any age, in any country.

  • Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally, but misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals is accelerating the process.

  • A growing number of infections – such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and gonorrhoea – are becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them become less effective.

  • Antibiotic resistance leads to longer hospital stays, higher medical costs and increased mortality.

(World Health Organisation, October 2016)

Different approaches required

Given these facts, we need to seek suitable, practical and effective alternatives, as the situation is escalating out of control. Lifestyle changes are also a very important and integral part of this. It must be made clear that most homeopaths accept that there is a time and a place for antibiotics. In certain difficult, severe bacterial infections, they are potentially life saving. However, this being said, there is undeniable over prescription, which has to be addressed, for the sake of world health. It is important that everyone is aware of this and begins to take their own health management seriously and to stop demanding medications for minor ailments that are self limiting. Frequent antibiotic usage is potentially dangerous to one’s health and is a huge cause of iatrogenic disease. Take with caution and awareness of this proven fact.

Ban Ki Moon, the UN General Secretary, at the United Nations conference on drug resistant bacteria in September 2016, stated:‘ It is estimated that more than 700,000 people die each year due to drug-resistant infections, though it could be much higher because there is no global system to monitor these deaths. And there has been trouble tracking those deaths in places where they are monitored, like in the US, where tens of thousands of deaths have not been attributed to superbugs.’ He went on to say: ‘If we fail to address this problem quickly and comprehensively, antimicrobial resistance will make providing high-quality universal healthcare coverage more difficult if not impossible antimicrobial resistance is a “fundamental threat” to global health and safety. (UN: 2016)

Plan of action

It is important to recognise that less is more in terms of antibiotic usage, not only for one’s own health in the short term, but to avoid long term resistance. Save them, wherever possible, for those times of acute, dangerous infection. This could be one of the most valuable things you do for your own health. Check with your health care provider that the use of antibiotics in your case is essential, or if monitored, is the complaint likely to go away in of its own accord with good self care? Common viral infections that do not benefit from antibiotic treatment include: (Mayo Clinic: 2012)

  • Colds

  • Flu (influenza

  • Bronchitis

  • Most coughs

  • Most sore throats

  • Some ear infections

  • Some sinus infection

  • Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)

  1. Try and avoid illness in the first place by eating a well balanced diet suitable to you, (taking into account food sensitivities and intolerances.) Exercise and get adequate sleep, supplement with vitamins and minerals and probiotics where necessary. Reduce stress and employ strategies to make this easier (meditation, yoga etc.)

  2. Recognise your health is your responsibility. Prevent disease as much as possible optimising the above approach.

  3. Understand that there are side effects with antibiotics, which can seriously affect your health. Yeast infections, both local and systemic are often the result of indiscriminate antibacterial onslaught which eliminates healthy as well as unhealthy gut flora; this can result in even more prescriptions, creating a cycle which is difficult to break. Avoid wherever possible.

  4. Remove ‘Maintaining Causes (see earlier blog.) In other words, as much as possible remove those things that you know make you sick. eg: if you are a smoker with a hacking cough, stop smoking.

  5. Research different approaches should treatment be required, starting with homeopathy, which has been wonderfully beneficial to many. Cases and research links given below.

The Homeopathic Approach/A Solution?

Much of healing witnessed using homeopathy is empirical, in other words, the patient gets better after a consultation and this is easily observed. No formal Randomised Control Trials are needed; it simply works; there are numerous examples of this happening in a variety of conditions on this website here. If formal RCT’s are required to prove or convince one of its efficacy, several cases of success with using homeopathy are included in a prospective, pragmatic study of 499 patients, over 6-months looking at homeopathy as an alternative to antibiotics, by Professor Dr. Michael Frass, Medical University of Vienna, The study can be found here:


Animals, both domestic and farm, often respond beautifully to homeopathic treatment and destroy any preconceived, limited, judgmental idea that homeopathy is placebo.  This recent triple blind randomised control trial with piglets is evidence of healing, without the need for antibiotics:

Prevention of diarrhoea in piglets

A high-quality placebo controlled trials identified by Mathie & Clausen was carried out by Wageningen Univsersity in the Netherlands:

‘In this triple blind RCT, 52 pregnant sows were treated with either Coli 30K (a homeopathic medicine made from E. coli bacteria) or placebo. The sows gave birth to 525 piglets and those in the group treated with Coli 30K had 6 times less diarrhoea than the piglets in the placebo group. This result was statistically significant (p < 0.0001) meaning that it is extremely unlikely to be a false positive result due to chance alone.The homeopathic medicine used in this study was made from E. colibacteria, alternately diluted and succussed to produce an ultra high dilution of 10-60, meaning that it should no longer contain any molecules of the original bacteria.

The particular technique used, where the medicine used is made from the same substance which causes the disease being treated, is a sub-type of homeopathy called ‘isopathy’. As the only existing way of preventing this disease in livestock is by using antibiotics, this study should be repeated to confirm its findings, as it may provide an effective way to help reduce overuse of antibiotics. (Veterinary Research: 2015.)

Another trial concerning farm animals (cows) having successful outcomes hails from India: ‘The comparative efficacy of homeopathic and allopathic systems of medicine in the management of Indian dairy cows.’ It  can be found here, http://www.hawl.co.uk/fileadmin/HAWL/user_upload/articles/comparativeefficacyindiastudy.pdf  the conclusion being : ‘We conclude that the combination of phytolacca, calc flour, silica, belladonna, arnica and ipecac is effective and cost effective in the management of fibrotic and non fibrotic mastitis in lactating dairy cows compared to antibiotics.’ (Indian Veterinary Research Institute, 2004)

Thus, it is clear that farm animals also respond well to homeopathic treatment and a return to health without resorting to antibiotic treatment.  It is also hugely cost effective. Should you require more research data, in every sphere concerning homeopathy, this is a wonderful resource: http://hpathy.com/scientific-research/database-of-positive-homeopathy-research-studies/

We are an over medicated society, one which has become reliant on doctors to cure our every aliment.  It is time to recapture a sense of responsibility for ourselves and our families that does not include taking medication for minor conditions, rather to look after our own health first, following the above advice. We owe it to ourselves, our children and our families to be as well informed as possible. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was right and prophetic in his prediction: ‘If the disease is treated with violent allopathic drugs, other graver, more life threatening ailments are created in its place.’ Aphorism 37 (a), The Organon of Medicine.

As ever, should you wish to consult a homeopath: www.findahomeopath.org.

Gill Graham.  BSc, (Hons) BA, (Hons) RS Hom, DHMH




Data Base of positive reseach studies (2015) available at: : http://hpathy.com/scientific-research/database-of-positive-homeopathy-research-studies/

Mayo Clinic (2014) Antibiotics misuse puts you and others at risk: available at: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/antibiotics/art-20045720

Homeopathy as an alternative to antibiotics (2014) Professor Dr. Michael FRASS Medical University of Vienna, Department Medicine, Doctor´s Association for Classical Homeopath.  Available at:


The comparative efficacy of homeopathic and allopathic systems of medicine in the management of Indian dairy cows.’ (2004) Available at: http://www.hawl.co.uk/fileadmin/HAWL/user_upload/articles/comparativeefficacyindiastudy.pdf

UN meeting tackles the 'fundamental threat' of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.(2016) Available at:  https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/sep/20/un-declaration-antibiotic-drug-resistance?CMP=share_btn_tw

Veterinary research (2015) available at: https://www.hri-research.org/resources/homeopathy-the-debate/essentialevidence/veterinary-research/

World Health Organisation, October 2016.Available at: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/antibiotic-resistance/en/)





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Under-threat hospital achieving results no other health service can offer, former boss says

A hospital facing the loss of its overnight ward is achieving results that no other health service can boast, according to its former head.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is proposing to shut all seven inpatient beds at the Centre for Integrative Care (CIC) the only hospital of its kind in the UK.

The proposals are part of a raft of cuts aimed at saving NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde around £70million.

Dr David Reilly, the hospital's former Clinical Director, led the campaign in 2004 when the ward was first threatened, and the beds already cut from 15.

The Scottish Government later recommended not only retaining the beds but expressed hope that the 'person-centred' approach used at the CIC could be more widely spread across the health service.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde itself acknowledged that the service offered, " a valid and important model of care for patients whose needs were not being met by conventional treatment."

Read the full article here.

To get in touch with the paper, you can contact the letters page by emailing letters@eveningtimes.co.uk, tweet them: @EveningTimes, via Facebook: www.facebook.com/eveningtimes or by post: Evening Times, 200 Renfield Street. G2 3QB

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Homeopathy for Colds and Influenza (Flu)

Homeopath and former Intensive Care Nurse, Ulrike Holzer shares her tips for those in the colder climates heading into the winter season:

Sneezing, sore throat, runny nose… we all know the first signs of a cold, probably the most common illness known. Colds and flu are infectious illnesses caused by viruses. There are many types and they vary from year to year.

The symptoms of common cold are the body’s way of responding to a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Through sneezing, nasal discharge, coughing and fever, the body expels and “burns out” the infecting viruses. Thus, these symptoms reveal the body’s efforts to re-establish health, and they should not be suppressed unless truly necessary. Homeopathic treatment can be used to improve the resistance to infection. Well selected remedies will speed up the healing process and reduce the development of catarrh, sinusitis and bronchitis.

Conventional medicines, such as nasal sprays, cough suppressants and fever suppressants may offer temporary relief from the symptoms of a cold, but they do so by hindering the body’s own defences. Nasal sprays and cold capsules slow down mucous production and therefore inhibit healing since mucous serves to cleanse the tissues of the virus and to protect them from further infection. Cough medicines block the body’s cough reflex, which can be problematic because coughing helps to clear breathing passages. Fever also is an important defence the body has against infection, and aspirin or paracetamol interferes with this protective response. Instead of relying on these suppressive medications, why not use homeopathy to help the body’s efforts to heal.

General Advice

  • Sleep: Sleeping is incredibly important for the body to rebuild, restore, and keep the immune system healthy. Sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. 

  • Eat light: Don’t overload your digestive system with heavy foods that not only give you stomach issues, but take a very long time to digest. Overeating is the culprit for many of us feeling lethargic and worn out an hour or two after meals, be sure you’re not burdening your digestive system with eating too much, too fast, with too many combinations. A healthy digestive system and gut is a healthy immune system! Make sure that you eat plenty of green vegetables – they are a good source of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, beta-carotene. And don’t forget: garlic, onions, honey, coconut oil and oregano/oregano oil -they all contain beneficial properties like anti-microbials, anti-fungals, and anti-bacterial.

  • Spices: Foods that are nutrient dense and may help fight inflammation and bacteria include: honey, raw garlic, coconut oil, blueberries, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, mustard, green tea, cranberries, and chilli peppers/cayenne.

  • Drink water: Drinking water can often go overlooked when the seasons become cooler as we are sweating less naturally, we are not as hot, and we are not eating as many seasonally fresh juicy fruit (with high water content), yet our bodies require it just as much.

  • Exercise: Get moving daily, even if it’s for a walk around your neighbourhood or a good sweat session at the gym. Keeping your body moving will keep your immune system healthy amongst other things! Not to mention sweating through our skin, which is one of our largest detoxification organs, is beneficial.

Homeopathy for the Common Cold – Early Stages

  • Aconite: Very first signs of a cold. Sudden chill. Shivering. Sudden onset of symptoms. Frequent sneezing. Nasal mucous membranes are dry. Watery eyes, especially after exposure to dry, cold wind.

  • Allium cepa: Profusely running (watery and acrid – as when peeling onions) nose, causing very sore, raw nostrils and upper lip. Burning, smarting and watery eyes.

  • Dulcamara: Stiff neck and pain in the throat, back and limbs. Eyes and nose streaming. Sneezing. Brought on by being chilled when hot, or drenched in cold, wet weather.

  • Euphrasia: Eyes red and sore from burning discharge. Profuse sneezing. Profuse watery nasal discharge.

  • Natrum muriaticum: Cold starts with sneezing. Watery discharge from eyes and nose. Nasal discharge is thin and watery. Suitable for the introverted person.

  • Nux vomica: Sudden intense chill with shivering. Unable to get warm. Patient is irritable. Nose is dry and stuffed up.

Homeopathy for the Common Cold – Later Stages 

As a rule we tend to follow our own patterns in the way that a cold develops. Occasionally a particular type of infection will impose its own pattern on the patient. From the homeopathic point of view this does not matter – you choose the homeopathic remedy by matching the main symptoms of the patient and the remedy. Often there is a tendency of the watery discharge of the early cold to become secondarily infected. Thick, yellow or green catarrh develops at this point, and can be difficult to dislodge. The infection may spread to the chest, throat or ears.

  • Gelsemium: ‘Flu-like’ cold. Heavy head, tired heavy eyes. Backache with shivers up and down. Arms and legs ache. Sore nose. Wants to lie down and sleep.

  • Hydrastis: Stringy, yellow, nasal discharge, sticky and difficult to shift. Post-nasal drip.

  • Kali bichromicum: Thick, sticky, yellow or green nasal discharge. May be bloodstained, difficult to blow out. Thick, sticky crusts in nose.

  • Kali iodatum: Pain over the eyes. Stinging, watery nasal discharge. Violent sneezing. Smarting, watering eyes.

  • Mercury solublis: Thick, yellow, burning nasal discharge. Nostrils may be raw and ulcerated. Profuse sweating or chilled and shivering even in a hot room. Offensive breath.

  • Pulsatilla: Thick, greenish-yellow catarrh. Stuffy nose at night and indoors. Generally better in fresh air.

Influenza (Flu)

Influenza is the name given to a very large number of viral infections. It can occur all year round, but it’s particularly common in the cold winter months. It is often found that one or two specific homeopathic remedies for the majority of cases in any particular outbreak. The symptoms vary with each type of viral infection. Usually they divide into those that affect the nose, throat and chest and those that affect the stomach and the bowels. Both groups have general complaints of headaches, muscular aches & pains and fevers. Some viruses can cause bleeding, such as nose bleeds, altered periods, or bruising of the skin.

Homeopathy for the Flu – First Signs and Early Stages

  • Aconite: At the first signs of fever. Red, dry skin. Very thirsty for cold drinks. Anxious & agitated. Sudden chill, shivering. Violent and sudden onset of symptoms.

  • Arsenicum album: Streaming eyes and nose. Chilliness and very great prostration. Restless & anxious.

  • Baptisia: Very rapid prostration. High fever. Gastric symptoms. Stupor. Looks drugged, with dull red face. Patient complains of feeling “all in bits”.

  • Belladonna: Sudden, very high fever. Very red face. Throbbing headache, may be delirious. The eyes are glassy and the pupils are dilated.  Hates noise and bright light. May sweat, but usually hot and dry skin.

  • Ferrum phosphoricum: Gradual onset of mild fever. Sweaty skin, pallor and flushing face. May have nosebleeds, earache and painful tracheitis and cough, often going down into chest.

  • Nux vomica: Sudden intense chill with shivering. Unable to get warm. Patient irritable. Nose dry and stuffed up.

Homeopathy for the Flu – Later Stages

  • Bryonia: Sweating. Lies very still as every movement intensifies headache, aches & pains. Very dry mouth and throat. Very thirsty for large drinks of cold water.

  • Eupatorium perfoliatum: Back is sore, stiff and aching. Pain in the eyeballs. Muscles and bone pain. Thirsty for cold drinks.

  • Gelsemium: Red face and throbbing headache. Tired and drowsy. Shivers up and down the spine. Aches in back, joints and limbs. Not thirsty. Wants to lie down and sleep.

  • Rhus toxicodendron: Aches, pains, and stiffness, helped by movement. Sweating in bed, shivering if uncovered. Cold areas of body in spite of fever. Very thirsty for cold drinks.  Cold sores in and around mouth (herpes simplex).




Please note: This article is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace the advice of your physician or health care provider. First aid situations may require medical or hospital care. Do not use this article as a means to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think that your condition may be serious, before discontinuing any medication that has been prescribed for you, or before starting any new treatment.

I hope this article helps you to select the correct homeopathic remedy when (if) you are coming down with a cold or the flu.

Ulrike Holzer  LSECH MSCH MARH Rhom

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