Men's Health

Men’s health issues have gained much greater awareness in recent years, and rightly so, but much more needs to be done. Every June brings Men’s Health Week, when we encourage men to have greater awareness of their own mental and physical health, and what they can do to improve it.
Each year, your car needs an MoT to check it is roadworthy. You probably regularly check the oil in your car yourself, or tyres, or other things to make sure it doesn’t let you down. Many men don’t give the same level of care and attention to their own health.
Take this opportunity to give yourself a personal MoT. Do something positive for your health and wellbeing. If you have a health problem which you have been putting off dealing with, or you just want to do better in taking care of your health, then make a pledge to yourself today to take action.
Millions of people around the world use homeopathy as part of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Perhaps it could be for you? Homeopathy is an individualised medicine which will seek to identify the root cause of your condition. During a consultation, a homeopath will ask you about all aspects of your lifestyle and health history. They will look at you as a whole person, and give you time to go through all your concerns. Remedies are selected according to each individual’s unique symptoms. It can also be used to maintain and promote positive health.
If you wish to try homeopathy, use this website to find a registered homeopath near you. You can also have a look at the Homeopathy app, listed on the apple store and Google Play as ‘Homeopathy UK’, where there is useful information about remedies.