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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
Homeopathy is a safe form of medicine for all age groups, male or female. Children with their strong vitality often respond quickly. Homeopathy approaches disease from a different perspective. Homeopathy considers the whole person; the person in dis-ease (not "disease"). Book a free discovery call to find out more.  
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Patient Testimonials


Conditions A to Z

A - C  |  D - F  |  G - I  |  J - L  |  M - O  |  P - R  |  S - U  |  V - Z

Condition: Tinnitus, Abdomen pain, Sigmoid flexure
How you found homeopathy.
If conventional medicine is capable of curing disease, how come you have to repeat the medicines, sometimes for life? To me this is clearly not cure but suppression of the underlying cause. I wish my symptoms to be cured not suppressed. I have been choosing this option, as a fully trained and registered practising pharmacist for 30 years with great success for both myself and thousands of patients icluding a wide spectrum of animals; dogs, cats, horses, sherp, goats, pigs, chickens and cattle. Having a good knowledge of the practice, principles and science behind both conventional medicine and homoeopathy is a great benefit in making a reasonable and logical choice. Next time someone claims it is rubbish ask them what their actual personal experience is. Don't be deluded by ideas, stick to reality instead...in all aspects of your life.

I worked as a registered pharmacist for three years, dispensing millions of pills, mostly to the same group of individuals in repeat prescriptions. Being totally dispirited by seeing the same people marching in with prescriptions day after day, week after week, I decided that this wasnt working. A pharmacist colleague suggested I read abook on the science of homoeopathy by George Vithoulkas, which had recently been published. I could not put it down and on turning the last page was determined to seek the truth behind the words. Managing a high street pharmacy, full each day with desperate patients was a good place to start. I was literally spoilt for choice. I experimented on the first man who walked in that morning and ended up curing a chronic case of tinnitus, something conventional drugs are incapable of achieving to this day.
How it benefited you or your family.
I had an acute pain in my left abdomen and felt sick and weak. The symptoms came on suddenly when I was at work, so I gentlty walked round the corner to a friend who is a homoeopathic doctor. He examined me and diagnosed an acute inflammation of the sigmoid flexure, which we both knew required antibiotics and painkillers for at least a week to see it off. He popped a dose of Belladonna 10M into my dry mouth and the result was astonishing. Within 30 seconds the concentrated burning marble of pain in my left gut subsuded and I felt the heat spread like a wave over my body. As I looked up and tugged my shirt to release the heat, my doctor grinned. The pain never came back.

Condition: Epilepsy
Baudin Laura
How you found homeopathy.
I've had epilepsy for eight years, but wanted to reduce, or even stop, the chemicals I was prescribed. When I was a child, my grandmother used to give me homeopathy for basic ailments (she'd give me Arnica when I fell and banged my head, Belladonna when I had fever, or Nux Vomica when I had digestion problems). I then kept using homeopathy for sore throat and colds, and other ailments. When I was said a homeopath could help me with my epilepsy, I didn't hesitate before going to see him.
How it benefited you or your family.
Since I've been taking homeopathy, I've been able to reduce my chemical treatment for epilepsy, very gradually. I now take half of the dose I was prescribed by my neurologist. Since then, I've had much less seisures, and now, when it happens, I don't need to rest for a long time to be well again, as I used to do. Moreover, I can concentrate much better on any studies or work I'm doing, for I no longer have the impression my brain is rolled in a wollen sheet, or surrounded by fog, which is one of the side effects of the chemicals I'm taking. The other benefit I drew from reducing my chemicals is that I fall asleep much less during daytime. It was very annoying to miss half of a lesson, at school or college, because I was asleep, and couldn't struggle against this drowsiness. I now hope, one day, I'll be able to stop taking the chemicals, and only keep taking the homeopathic remedy I was presccribed.

Condition: Croup
How you found homeopathy.
I have used homeopathy on my family for four years since I was pregnant. We have been 100% homeopathic for the last 12 months.
How it benefited you or your family.
Homeopathy has benefitted the whole family, but in the case of my son's croup, it came on suddenly and sounded horrible. I saw my GP for a diagnosis, but chose to use an acute remedy and then support his lungs chronically.

Condition: hyperthyroid
eleanor gibson
How you found homeopathy.
first used homeopathy to help with period pains - found that belladonna could sort pains that strong painkillers couldn't touch
How it benefited you or your family.
I was able to come off thyroid medication and avoid surgery/radiation treatment. Has helped with a wide range of health conditions - ear infections, tooth abcesses, symptoms of menopause, general wellbeing, emotional issues

Condition: my verticos vains, other kids treatment- constipation, skin problems
Dorota Mac
How you found homeopathy.
through internet - consipation of daughter- , now i join may homeopathic groupson fb
How it benefited you or your family.
Homeopathy benefited my whole family, kids , me husband, friends. Homepoathy is helping us to treat many problems, make stronger our immune system. Helped us with skin problems, pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, worms, menstrual problems, teeth problems, colds, flu, testical pain, kidney pain, hernia pain, sciatica, back problems, mental problem due to alcohol over use- in one of family members, reumatic disease, knee problems, consipation, and many many more. For last 3 years my closest family is almost not using any of allopathic medicine- few times faver reducing medicine for kids - because i couldn't contact homeopath to adviced us what to use to reduce fever.Other : Ears pain, tooth pain, Gastric problems. Catarrh. Speach problems. Stroke. And many more.

Condition: Chronic Fatigue
Cathleen J. Springer, C.Hom.
How you found homeopathy.
I had zero knowledge about homeopathy until I was so ill with Chronic Fatigue that I was going from M.D. to M.D. After four years of trying everything that western medicine had to offer, it was the last in a series of medical doctors I was seeing who, after trying everything in her awareness to help me, recommended homeopathy. She suggested I give it a try as "it helps many people".
How it benefited you or your family.
This good doctor recommended a homeopath to me whom I visited shortly after the initial recommendation. After taking an extensive case history, I was given a "serving" of a number of tiny white pellets and told to place them under my tongue, then sit in the waiting room for about 15 minutes; she would check back with me. It took only a few minutes for me to feel the stirring of energies in my body. I felt my vitality returning, which was astounding to me as I had come in that day feeling as though I were at death's door. After this initial dose of remedy, my body went into the search for its homeostasis - good days and bad days, but ultimately healing and better days over time. It took about a year to feel really well (and a couple more remedies thereafter until we hit upon my constitutional which is effective yet today 23 years later).

Condition: Self prescribed
How you found homeopathy.
My stepmother trained to work in Steiner schools introduced us to homoepathy 40 years ago
How it benefited you or your family.
Took Silicea for a month and it cleared up my long standing eczema.
Son had swine flu, used gelsemium, also had nephritis with it, used aresenicum, also had head pain, high temperature used belladonna. All three got him well again from being completely immobilised in bed to back to work, in ten days.
Husband sprains shoulder badly, uses arnica and ruta grav. Back to work in two days, was expecting to be immobile for a couple of weeks, shoulder was almost paralysed with pain, unable to lift his arm at all.

Condition: Mastitis
How you found homeopathy.
After the birth of my child I suffered recurrent mastitis. After several courses of antibiotics I turned to homeopathy at the suggestion of another health professional. It was a revelation!
How it benefited you or your family.
I have used homeopathy since that first consultation - I took a single remedy and the problem resolved and never recurred. I was then able to get on with nurturing and enjoying my baby's first months. My whole family now uses homeopathy, alongside conventional medicine when necessary, and it has been transformative in how I view my own health and wellbeing.
Keywords: Mastitis Belladonna  

Condition: Headache
How you found homeopathy.
I have always had an interest in other methods of treatment, and my partner did a brief course in homoeopathy which then drew my interested and I studied it with him. I have used it several times on myself as well as on patients.
How it benefited you or your family.
The most amazing times I have used homeopathy has been for acute symptoms. Most recently I took cantharis following a scald to my arm, and the result was almost instant with relief from pain and the redness and blistering disappeared before my eyes. I have found the same with arnica after an injury, that you can feel the swelling reduce and bruising never appears. I have also used belladonna for severe throbbing headaches with very rapid relief and silica many years ago for a sore thorat with severely enlarged glands.

Condition: Prolapse of Uterus, Bladder & Bowel
JENNIFER HARROWER - Known as Jenny Johnson re my dancing and writing
How you found homeopathy.
I have used homeopathy for many years, having found that orthodox medicine has too many unwanted side-effects.
How it benefited you or your family.
Very recently, it helped to reduce pain and bleeding after a hysterectomy and extensive repairs to my pelvic floor. I did not need even one orthodox painkiller!