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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
Julien runs his private practice Rowan Health and the Edinburgh charitable clinic for Homeopathy UK. With 2 decades’ experience in integrative healthcare (homeopathy, osteopathy, acupuncture), he actively supports individuals, families, and professional athletes to reach their full potentials and live a joyful life.  
View Julien Baron-Meyet's Profile

Patient Testimonials


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Condition: Mastitis, but so much more since.....
Siobhan Melia Lic ISH IS HOM
How you found homeopathy.
Over 20 years ago a nurse in the hospital I worked in told me about the course she was starting in homeopathy, I was intrigued and subsequently while recovering from back surgery I saw a morning course in homeopathy was running locally. I started to dabble a little and while breastfeeding my first child I got mastitis and went to a homeopath for a consult for the first time. She gave me a remedy called Bryonia and within 30 minutes the agonising pain and swelling disappeared. That was my "eureka" moment! Lots of other treatments followed, including successful treatment of horrendous morning sickness and other breastfeeding issues and I decided that I wanted to train as a homeopath. This I did in the Irish School of Homeopathy and I graduated in 2012.
How it benefited you or your family.
I have many stories but this is my most recent

As a homeopath I always take pleasure in seeing and experiencing how well and quickly homeopathy can work, but some examples, especially when they're with people close to my heart, give me even more pleasure.

My eldest teenage boy has the lead in the school musical production of "The King and I" and was seriously struggling with nerves. He mostly turns his nose up at remedies "cos they don't work and it's too much hassle to take them" (though I regularly find him taking a phosphorous when he needs one and caldendula is always on his locker) He asked me could I give him something for the nerves pre the show for the school. I sent him off with the trusty mix of Arg nit and Gelsemium. He came back and told me that "your hippy shit worked" as soon as he took the remedies he calmed down. He took them each time he came off stage and, for the second school show the same. Instant result. Last night was opening night for the public and he felt great about it, though the nerves were still there, he needed 3 or 4 doses of the remedies pre show and went out on that stage and made me an even prouder Mammy.

Another little victory for homeopathy :D

Condition: Hayfever
How you found homeopathy.
Did not want to take steroids every Spring.
How it benefited you or your family.
I grew up on the coast in Cornwall & never suffered from hayfever. However at age 28 I moved to London. Every year for about 6 years in April I would feel unwell, with a cough that seemed to always develop into a chest infection & I would be ill for over a month. One April there was a locum doctor at the surgery & she told me I was suffering from hayfever, most likely due to a combination of tree pollen & pollution! She prescribed a nasal spray & hayfever tablets. I collected these & they relieved my symptoms but I saw that the nasal spray contained a steroid which I did not want to use. I researched homeopathic remedies for hayfever / coughs & discovered gelsemium. It works fantastically - when I feel the first signs of hayfever I take some gelsemium & the symptoms don't develop any further. I've not suffered from hayfever for the last 10 years although I got a slight bout this year as I mis-judged my early symptoms as a cold so it took a bit longer for the gelsemium to take effect but it was still gone in 4 days, a lot better than four weeks of chest infection like the bad old days.
Keywords: Hayfever Gelsemium  

Condition: Self prescribed
How you found homeopathy.
My stepmother trained to work in Steiner schools introduced us to homoepathy 40 years ago
How it benefited you or your family.
Took Silicea for a month and it cleared up my long standing eczema.
Son had swine flu, used gelsemium, also had nephritis with it, used aresenicum, also had head pain, high temperature used belladonna. All three got him well again from being completely immobilised in bed to back to work, in ten days.
Husband sprains shoulder badly, uses arnica and ruta grav. Back to work in two days, was expecting to be immobile for a couple of weeks, shoulder was almost paralysed with pain, unable to lift his arm at all.