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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
Julien runs his private practice Rowan Health and the Edinburgh charitable clinic for Homeopathy UK. With 2 decades’ experience in integrative healthcare (homeopathy, osteopathy, acupuncture), he actively supports individuals, families, and professional athletes to reach their full potentials and live a joyful life.  
View Julien Baron-Meyet's Profile

Patient Testimonials


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Condition: Face burn
Dr. Nancy A. Mazur
How you found homeopathy.
I was in Naturopathic Medical College.......a new student, when I had a dinner party and a pressure cooker exploded in my face. OUCH! steam burn - VERY painful! A fellow student suggested I try a homeopathic remedy - and I was willing to try anything. As soon as those causticum 30C pellets touched my tongue, I felt an 80% reduction in pain. A few doses later, there was no pain, no scarring and I became a student of Homeopathy. 33 years later, and Homeopathy is still astounding me and my patients. Thank you Samuel Hahnemann.
How it benefited you or your family.
Homeopathy is an elegant science and it has promoted the art of healing in my life and the lives of my patients for the past 29 years.
Keywords: Causticum Face Burn  

Condition: Duodenal ulcer, Gut pain
How you found homeopathy.
I attended The Nature Cure Clinic in London in the late 80's out of sheer desperation. I was treated by Dr Richard Robinson for duodenal ulcers, I suffered constant gut pain, unable to eat properly and became deeply stressed. My whole life was affected.
When I had my child, I had to do something to change the way I looked at my whole life and not just my gut pain. Homeopathy was my way forward.
How it benefited you or your family.
I was prescribed a single dose of causticum, three powders split over one and half day, within 48 hrs pain subsided, relaxed in body and mind and completely pain free by next three week appointment.
I had need of one further dose some years later.
A different grinding gut pain in my early 40's was treated with a single dose of Thuja 200c.

Condition: Arthritis, Shock, Stress
Gwynant Cwmbowydd
How you found homeopathy.
Used it by recommendation, to keep arthritis at bay.
How it benefited you or your family.
To keep arthitis at bay. Shock & Distress 30C. Psoric miasm responds well to Nat Phos 30 C & 6x tissue salts.
A boy of about 7's hand went into a coal fire. He was screaming in pain, gave him Arnica 30C & Causticum 30C. He fell asleep in 15 mins, Calendula cream got rid of burn in 6 days.

Condition: Multiple Sclerosis
Jo Collins
How you found homeopathy.
Did an evening course years ago (had no idea what homeopathy was, I was just working my way though the courses and it was next on the list after guitar!). So when I got diagnosed out of the blue with MS, and after having a baby, I decided not to take any of the advised medication and looked for alternative healing option. I wanted to try homeopathy, but also some other things, there were so many options it was mind blowing - so I thought I would try a Natropath who was also a homeopath as I know they have a range of complimentary therapies they use. I found one who I felt a connection with (before ever meeting her or talking to her) and my healing journey began. She used a Vega machine to test me for allergies, and it showed I shouldn't eat dairy, soya and oats. This will be different for everyone but she said in her experience almost everyone with MS should stay away from dairy. She also gave me different homeopathic remedies every 3 months, did cranial/healing on me and after a few years when my MS symptoms were gradually improving I went on a meditation retreat with her where the MS went for good.
How it benefited you or your family.
I don't have MS, asthma or Raynauds Disease anymore which homeopathy played a big part.

Condition: my verticos vains, other kids treatment- constipation, skin problems
Dorota Mac
How you found homeopathy.
through internet - consipation of daughter- , now i join may homeopathic groupson fb
How it benefited you or your family.
Homeopathy benefited my whole family, kids , me husband, friends. Homepoathy is helping us to treat many problems, make stronger our immune system. Helped us with skin problems, pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, worms, menstrual problems, teeth problems, colds, flu, testical pain, kidney pain, hernia pain, sciatica, back problems, mental problem due to alcohol over use- in one of family members, reumatic disease, knee problems, consipation, and many many more. For last 3 years my closest family is almost not using any of allopathic medicine- few times faver reducing medicine for kids - because i couldn't contact homeopath to adviced us what to use to reduce fever.Other : Ears pain, tooth pain, Gastric problems. Catarrh. Speach problems. Stroke. And many more.

Condition: Hot flushes left over from Menopause
Sue Garnett
How you found homeopathy.
I went into early menopause 18 years ago and eventually got through it with the help of various herbal remedies but continued to experience hot flushes. When my job changed following a restructure it became part of my duties to take minutes at meetings but the frequency & intensity of my flushes made this impossible for me to do. My employer asked me to seek the help of my GP for the condition but the results of the medication were disastrous. I tried two different prescription drugs each of which left me with severe side-effects and I ended up worse than when I started the prescriptions.
How it benefited you or your family.
I have always valued "alternative" remedies & treatments so I sought help from a homeopath. I am so glad I did! Following my consultation I embarked on her remedy, to reduce the anxiety which worsened the flushes. Within 2 weeks my condition improved to such a degree that I was taking minutes with no problems as my flushes had diminished in frequency & intensity. I was still suffering side effects from the prescription drugs and so was given a homeopathic detox for the pills I had been given by my GP. Another success story and I now feel that I am getting my life back! Brilliant!

Condition: High Blood Pressure
Anna Beswick
How you found homeopathy.
Really bad side effects from 5 different prescribed medicines. The medication did not reduce my BP either.
How it benefited you or your family.
Blood pressure now around 130/74. My homeopath a registered GP told me I had white coat syndrome which raised the BP a lot more than than it should have been.