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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
Sarah Davison is a natural menopause wellbeing expert, who uses homeopathy, coaching and education to help her clients escape menopause misery without synthetic hormones. Her experience as a corporate innovation consultant, working mum and business owner means she understands the impact menopause can have on her clients’ daily life.  
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Patient Testimonials


Conditions A to Z

A - C  |  D - F  |  G - I  |  J - L  |  M - O  |  P - R  |  S - U  |  V - Z

Condition: Burn out, Exhaustion, General health
How you found homeopathy.
I have always been interested in the person as a whole and found that my GP was a Homeopath who first introduced me to the benefits of homeopathy.
How it benefited you or your family.
Homeopathy has really helped me heal without the use of anti-depressants. As a family we have also used homeopathy for colds, flu, sinusitis, upset stomachs, pre-exam nerves, sciatica, insomnia to mention just a few benefits we have found.

Condition: Common cold, Flu, Food poisoning
How you found homeopathy.
Various conditions over the years - from common cold & flu to food poisoning and grief. I was never a big fan of taking prescription drugs. When I found that I could have my cold/flu cured within 2-3 days with Homeopathy compared to the ever ongoing relapses if I took common flu tablets, I became a convert.
How it benefited you or your family.
My 9 year old daughter has never seen the inside of a GPs clinic. I now have a first aid kit at home in homeopathic remedies which allows me to treat her straight away. Most children in her school are constantly off with one thing or another. This is not the case with her. I am also having her treated with homeopathy in regards to her vaccinations.

Condition: Panic Attacks
Arwen Greer
How you found homeopathy.
A friend, who also happens to be a homeopath, talked me into signing up for a homeopathy school...I'd never even heard of homeopathy before. Fortunately for myself, being a patient on a deeply acting constitutional remedy was a pre-requisite for the program!
How it benefited you or your family.
I was amazed at the whole process - beginning my studies, having my case taken, and receiving my constitutional remedy (made on a radionics machine, no less!) that worked instantly. Working closely with my homeopath I advanced through several potencies of my one simple remedy, taking one simple drop at a time, to manage and eventually cure my long history of debilitating panic attacks. I have successfully relied on this same prescription - not just for panic attacks, but also for nausea, fatigue and even the flu - for over five years.

Condition: glandular fever
Elaine Bishop
How you found homeopathy.
My parents used it, so I was familiar with homeopathy since childhood. I was in my 30's when I contracted glandular fever and was told by my GP that there was no treatment and that it would clear up in 6 weeks. After it had persisted for 18 months with weakness, frequent collapse and aching with cold all the time, I consulted a homeopathic physician who gave me some little pills - I don't know the name of the remedy - and after 2 or 3 days I suddenly felt new energy surging through me like a river of life. A sudden and permanent cure!
How it benefited you or your family.
I used to suffer every winter from flu, debilitating colds and vicious sore throats. So I began to take the homeopathic prophylactic against colds and flu. I did this because my father, then living in a nursing home, had been offered it as an alternative to the "flu jab". Since using the homeo. remedy - now for many years - I have never had so much as a sneeze, let alone the sufferings I used to endure. It is just good health throughout the whole 12 months of the year.
Keywords: Colds Flu Glandular Fever  

Condition: health care/ ageing
Mr M J Child
How you found homeopathy.
after witnessing particularly negative side-effects of allopathic medicines in friends I decided to try homeopathic remedies
How it benefited you or your family.
homeopathy has helped with conditions like flu, colds etc as well as ageing issues like arthritis, easing symptoms and strengthening my own resolve to heal.

Condition: Self prescribed
How you found homeopathy.
My stepmother trained to work in Steiner schools introduced us to homoepathy 40 years ago
How it benefited you or your family.
Took Silicea for a month and it cleared up my long standing eczema.
Son had swine flu, used gelsemium, also had nephritis with it, used aresenicum, also had head pain, high temperature used belladonna. All three got him well again from being completely immobilised in bed to back to work, in ten days.
Husband sprains shoulder badly, uses arnica and ruta grav. Back to work in two days, was expecting to be immobile for a couple of weeks, shoulder was almost paralysed with pain, unable to lift his arm at all.

Condition: Flu
Radha Raghubeer
How you found homeopathy.
I first used homeopathy when looking for an alternative to antibiotics 12 years ago.
How it benefited you or your family.
My son developed flu like symptoms constant runny nose cough etc. He also had some cold sores on his lips. I called our homeopath Grace DaSilva Hill who suggested manuka honey for the cold sores and homeopathic flu vaccine. After 2 days treatment my son went to school and won all his house rugby matches! His cold sores cleared up beautifully too. We have always used homeopathy for my son, my husband and myself and have complete faith in it and our wonderful homeopath Grace.
Keywords: Cold Sores Flu Antibiotics