“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ” Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ” Jane Glover
Sarah Davison is a natural menopause wellbeing expert, who uses homeopathy, coaching and education to help her clients escape menopause misery without synthetic hormones. Her experience as a corporate innovation consultant, working mum and business owner means she understands the impact menopause can have on her clients’ daily life. View Sarah Davison's Profile
Watch the story unfold
Susan - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Homeopathy worked for me - 3m 02s
The Snooks : Why try homeopathy? - 0m 49s
The Snooks : What happens when you visit a homeopath? - 0m 45s
I worked with a pharmacist who studied homeopathie and I started to use it for myself. The results were simply surprising to me.
How it benefited you or your family.
For lack of assertiveness, for cystitis, for grief, for flu, for cold, for bee sting, for menstrual problems, to develop more consciousness, for skin problems,...
My sister was studying homeopathy and recommended it to me when I was seeking help for a friend suffering with deprerssion. I then saw the same homeopath for my chronic cystitis.
How it benefited you or your family.
After suffering with chronic cystitis for four years, relentless prescribing of antibiotics, cutting all the 'good and fun stuff' out of my diet, several internal examinations which showed no problems and being told by several doctors and specialists it
was just one of those things I would just have to live with... I approached a homeopath. Within three weeks the cystitis had gone. Completely. And has never come back. A wonderful experience to be listened to and treated as a whole person - body and mind,
physical and emotional, all connected so treat as a whole. Makes perfect sense.
Condition: Prolapse of Uterus, Bladder & Bowel JENNIFER HARROWER - Known as Jenny Johnson re my dancing and writing
How you found homeopathy.
I have used homeopathy for many years, having found that orthodox medicine has too many unwanted side-effects.
How it benefited you or your family.
Very recently, it helped to reduce pain and bleeding after a hysterectomy and extensive repairs to my pelvic floor. I did not need even one orthodox painkiller!