“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ” Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ” Jane Glover
David has worked as a homeopathic Physician for 30 plus years and is based in Winchester at The Natural Practice. He works with three other Homeopathic Physicians who offer video consultations and appointments in Winchester, London, Oxford, Bournemouth, Basingstoke and Chichester. David edited ‘Principles and Practice of Homeopathy'. View David Owen's Profile
Watch the story unfold
Susan - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Homeopathy worked for me - 3m 02s
The Snooks : Why try homeopathy? - 0m 49s
The Snooks : What happens when you visit a homeopath? - 0m 45s
My mother took me aged 13 as I had terrible hayfever and nothing the doctor did helped. The homeopathy cured the hayfever and helped a lot with allergies and asthma. I later suffered from anxiety and depression and homeopathy has been the most effective
treatment and I have tried everything including conventional medication.
How it benefited you or your family.
It has cured hayfever, allergies, asthma, injuries of all kinds, infections, teething problems, tonsillitis, warts/verrucas, ringworm, emotional problems, coughs, flu. My kids haven't needed to take an antibiotic or other conventional medicine (including
calpol) more than once or twice and they are 12 and 8.
My mother took us to Homeopaths when we were young, initially to help my sister who had asthma.
How it benefited you or your family.
I had chronic fatigue syndrome and initially tried the allopathic route only to end up feeling more ill, so I decided to try Homeopathy again which is the only thing that brought me back into balance and made me well. I have also had many bouts of tonsillitis
and sore throats through the years and Homeopathy helps enormously with this. I have only used Homeopathy with my daughter and we've come through tonsillitis, sore throats, whooping coughs, bronchitis and scarlet fever with the help of a very supportive Homeopath.
It still amazes me when taking the best suited remedy how well and it works and how much better I feel emotionally, physically and mentally, less stuck and more able to flow with life again. I don't know where I would be without Homeopathy. I'm very grateful
for the people who've spent their lives dedicated to bringing this gift to us.
my son developed eczema at 12 months old, did not want to put Betnavate on him
How it benefited you or your family.
I would say that I am 90% better now than I was when I first contacted a homeopath. I was covered in eczema and had been since birth. Been in and out of hospital, steriods/antibiotics. Very depressing. I was so impressed that I studied homeopathy myself
and am now qualified.
Condition: Rhinitis, IBS, asthma, tonsillitis and colds that went to chest Renata Rinaldini
How you found homeopathy.
Used Homeopathy whilst studying for my in dental surgery uni degree & went to see a homeopath out of desperation. As I used to get many colds & throats infections & spent much time of the year on antibiotics. At first, (plus my uni training drumming into
us that drugs were the saviours of human health!) I did not believe I was going to be helped by it. However to my astonishment, it did help me!! The homeopathic treatment was a process and not a miracle pill, but at the end it was all worth it as I was not
getting sick from the pharmaceutical drugs side effects any more. Homeopathy has become my first choice for any ailments I might have, ranging from emotional ones to physical ones.
How it benefited you or your family.
Many decades have passed since I first came in contact with homoeopathy & as we all have genetic tendencies in us to develop certain chronic diseases. Such as once, when I was diagnosed with insulin resistance in my 40's & took drugs which after 2-3 weeks
began to make me sick with its side effects & had no effect on the insulin problem. So I ditched the drugs & went to see a homoeopath, and Homoeopathy again dealt with this inheritance tendency. It took a month or two, but all is fine now. No drugs and no
insulin resistance. I suppose homoeopathic treatment works quicker with me as it is my first and preferred method of healing my health.
It was many years ago now... I had a terrible asthma attack and I went to my GP who injected hydrocortisone in one arm and aminophylline in the other - a process now banned because it killed so many people, apparently! It did not ease my asthma, but I
was ceremoniously dumped back on the street still struggling for breath! I went round the corner to the local homeopathic clinic and was sat down and given a cup of tea and talked too calmly for about half an hour. This was the beginning for me and I have
never looked back. I am now a fully trained homeopath and have been in practice for over 30 years. The asthma? Oh, I threw away my inhalers many years ago and have no trace of asthma nowadays. Not even any shortness of breath on running for the bus and I am
now over 60 years of age! Homeopathy is simply wonderful!
Condition: At 3 years of age my son was starting to have asthma symptoms. Jacqueline Faure
How you found homeopathy.
My 3 year old was going to be prescribed medication, he also hated any sweet medicines and was starting to create a problem. I had experienced the same condition with my older daughter who was prescribed steroids and was unhappy to give the same or similar
medication to my son.
Did an evening course years ago (had no idea what homeopathy was, I was just working my way though the courses and it was next on the list after guitar!). So when I got diagnosed out of the blue with MS, and after having a baby, I decided not to take any
of the advised medication and looked for alternative healing option. I wanted to try homeopathy, but also some other things, there were so many options it was mind blowing - so I thought I would try a Natropath who was also a homeopath as I know they have
a range of complimentary therapies they use. I found one who I felt a connection with (before ever meeting her or talking to her) and my healing journey began. She used a Vega machine to test me for allergies, and it showed I shouldn't eat dairy, soya and
oats. This will be different for everyone but she said in her experience almost everyone with MS should stay away from dairy. She also gave me different homeopathic remedies every 3 months, did cranial/healing on me and after a few years when my MS symptoms
were gradually improving I went on a meditation retreat with her where the MS went for good.
How it benefited you or your family.
I don't have MS, asthma or Raynauds Disease anymore which homeopathy played a big part.
It was the year 1991, I was studying in year 12 and had suffered from Chronic Asthma for over five years by then. I was fifteen and was on oral steroids and salbutamol to control my asthma. In those days puffers were almost unheard of in India. One day
after a particularly bad attack while I was waiting for the Aminophyllin to work at a doctors clinic a kind soul struck up a conversation with my mum. She casually spoke of Homoeopathy and asked mum if we had given it a try. Have never thanked the person enough.
How it benefited you or your family.
Homoeopathy changed my life. I never needed the oral steroids again. Over the years since then I can clearly remember five or six incidences where I suffered from acute asthma but at every instance I have turned to Homoeopathy and it simply passes away.
I chose Homoeopathy as my career choice after that. I have a Bachelors degree in Homoeopathy , but as is the norm was trained in Medicine and Surgery too. I had the privilege of working with some wonderful physicians and surgeons and also some renowned Homeopaths.
Today I have been praticing Homoeopathy for over 14 years .