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“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund

Category: Events

Sprains and strains

Has the glimmer of bright weather encouraged you to get out and about more? Perhaps you love to go walking, play tennis or swim? Exercise, however strenuous or gentle, can boost our energy levels, support positive mental health, and so many other great health benefits.

Remember that preparation for exercise is always recommended. Stretching, warming down and not pushing yourself if you’re not used to it will help ensure that you avoid any niggling sprains and strains. 

However, that’s not always possible, as accidents do happen. If they do, then do seek professional medical advice if you’re concerned. PRICE therapy is good advice to follow. Protection - protect the injury. Rest - stop any exercise or activities. Ice - apply an ice pack. Compression - wrap a bandage around for support. Elevate - keep it raised. Homeopathy is an excellent option to use alongside this. It’s a gentle, natural form of medicine that’s used by millions of people around the world to support their health and wellbeing. It will support your body during the healing process and help to get you back fighting fit as quickly as possible. 

You’ve probably heard of Arnica. It’s widely used for aches, pains, bruises and inflammation, and can support the healing process. It’s a useful remedy to keep in the cupboard. There are many others though, and a registered homeopath will tailor a remedy to your specific requirements. If you’d like a consultation with a registered homeopath then you can find one in your area right here at www.findahomeopath.org

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Boost your energy

Many people find this time of year hard mentally and physically. We’ve had shorter days for months, Winter viruses have taken their toll, and we’re often left feeling tired and lacking in energy. Perhaps you don’t sleep as well as you’d like, and feel you lack the energy to get through all your daily tasks.

Homeopathy offers a gentle, natural form of medicine that’s used by millions of people around the world to support their health and wellbeing. It’s sustainable too, so kind to your body and the planet.

A consultation with a registered homeopath will enable you to discuss all of your concerns in a non-medical environment. The homeopath will take the time to get a picture of your overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, and help you get to the root of the problem. They will look at you as whole person, and not a person with lots of symptoms, and will tailor a remedy specifically for your own circumstances. You can find a registered homeopath right here at www.findahomeopath.org 

If you’d like to try a homeopathic remedy at home then you could try Passiflora co. It’s commonly used when anxiety is causing sleeplessness, helps to rest the mind, and allows relaxation to enable sleep. Gelsemium is another useful remedy, which is widely used for mental exhaustion, including drowsiness and indifference, and physical weakness, such as heavy limbs and eyelids. As an individualised medicine it’s always better to seek professional help if you’re unsure which remedy would be right for you.

Improve your health, feel energised, try homeopathy.

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New Year, Sustainable Health

It’s all too easy when we start a new year to become fixated on the next new diet craze, or a get fit quick scheme. What we should be focused on is starting a sustainable approach to our health, an approach which supports us mentally, physically and emotionally. If we can change the way we think about our health then we can start a journey towards better health forever.

Homeopathy is a gentle, natural form of medicine that is used by millions of people around the world to support their health and wellbeing. It’s sustainable too, so good for your body and the planet. A registered homeopath will look at you as whole person, as an individual, and not a person with lots of symptoms. This whole person homeopathic approach can enhance the body’s built in ability to tackle disease. A registered homeopath will tailor a remedy specifically for your own circumstances.

If you want to start a journey in 2025 towards better, sustainable health, then give homeopathy a try. You can find a registered homeopath in your area and more information about homeopathy right here at www.findahomeopath.org

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Festive Good Health

At this festive time of year, our health is often the last thing on our minds. We prefer to be distracted with things like buying presents, eating tasty food and having a tipple or two - and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that! Then, as soon as the New Year comes, we decide to get healthy and transform aspects of our life.

Unfortunately, for some of us, the festive activities can even cause some health issues. Planning everything can make us feel anxious, energy levels can ben affected because we have so much to do and think about, and there’s even the aftermath of those Christmas parties.

Fortunately, homeopathy offers a gentle, natural and sustainable option to support you at this time of year, and all year round. Argent Nit could be worth trying if you’re feeling anxious about it all. Homeopathy can also help support your general health and wellbeing if you simply feel you need to boost your energy. Don’t forget that Nux Vom is commonly used for hangovers, which might be helpful for those festive celebrations!

If you’re unsure which remedy is best for you, then you can find a registered homeopath right here at www.findahomeopath.org who will look at you as a whole person, give you the time to go through all your concerns, and prescribe a remedy specially tailored to your needs.

Plus, if you want to give a gift to someone which could help them towards better health and wellbeing, then you might want to think about a homeopathic remedy kit from one of the homeopathic pharmacies. It’d be a perfect gift to help a loved one start their homeopathy journey in 2025.

Good health should be the gift we have every day of the year.

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Colds: be prepared for Winter viruses

A sore or gritty throat? Cough? Runny nose? Generally feeling tired and unwell? We all know these symptoms well, and unfortunately many of us will have started to experience some of them in the last few weeks as Winter comes onto the horizon and the common cold rears its ugly head. Whilst colds are only a mild, self-limiting, viral, upper respiratory tract infection, they can make you feel pretty rotten for a few days and interfere with your everyday life.

It’s always better to try and build up your immunity if you can, so as to limit the likelihood of getting a cold, but there are some things you can do to ease the symptoms and recover quicker if you do get one.

Make sure you get lots of rest and drink water to keep hydrated, and a hot honey and lemon is always a good way to ease a sore throat. You might also want to give homeopathy a try, which is widely used for many of the symptoms of the common cold. It’s a natural, gentle and sustainable form of medicine which supports the body to heal itself.

You can find a registered homeopath in your area right here at www.findahomeopath.org 

If you prefer to try something at home, then Arsen Alb is indicated for a streaming cold with burning discharge from the eyes and nose. If you feel you can’t keep warm, and symptoms are worse at night, then this might be the remedy for you. Aconite is for the early stages of a cold, brought on by exposure or being chilled. There are many remedies which can be used depending on your specific symptoms though. It's best to get expert advice.

It is pretty likely that you and your family will feel the effects of the common cold at some point between now and Spring, so you may even want to keep a homeopathic remedy kit at home just in case.

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