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“I was disenchanted with drugs and looking for a healthier approach. Homeopathy has improved my overall health by miles and I never have a need for anything else. ”
Victoria McCurdy
“I was disenchanted with drugs and looking for a healthier approach. Homeopathy has improved my overall health by miles and I never have a need for anything else. ”
Victoria McCurdy

Sprains and strains

Has the glimmer of bright weather encouraged you to get out and about more? Perhaps you love to go walking, play tennis or swim? Exercise, however strenuous or gentle, can boost our energy levels, support positive mental health, and so many other great health benefits.

Remember that preparation for exercise is always recommended. Stretching, warming down and not pushing yourself if you’re not used to it will help ensure that you avoid any niggling sprains and strains. 

However, that’s not always possible, as accidents do happen. If they do, then do seek professional medical advice if you’re concerned. PRICE therapy is good advice to follow. Protection - protect the injury. Rest - stop any exercise or activities. Ice - apply an ice pack. Compression - wrap a bandage around for support. Elevate - keep it raised. Homeopathy is an excellent option to use alongside this. It’s a gentle, natural form of medicine that’s used by millions of people around the world to support their health and wellbeing. It will support your body during the healing process and help to get you back fighting fit as quickly as possible. 

You’ve probably heard of Arnica. It’s widely used for aches, pains, bruises and inflammation, and can support the healing process. It’s a useful remedy to keep in the cupboard. There are many others though, and a registered homeopath will tailor a remedy to your specific requirements. If you’d like a consultation with a registered homeopath then you can find one in your area right here at www.findahomeopath.org