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“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund

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Want wellness? Homeopathy can help. 

"Whereas conventional medical treatments today tend to focus on the former goal of treating or controlling symptoms, various natural therapeutics primarily attend to the latter goal of augmenting the person’s own inherent defenses. Although the direct treatment of symptoms often has immediate effects, its benefits tend to be short-term. Because such therapeutic interventions do not usually strengthen the person’s own defenses, the individual remains prone to recurrence of their problem.

In contrast, therapeutic methods that strengthen a person’s immune and defense system has longer term benefit and can prevent recurrence, but the benefit is sometimes achieved more slowly. In addition to have effects on a person’s immune system, research described in a respected pharmacology journal have confirmed that homeopathic medicines have a significant effect on gene expression, providing solid evidence for similar physiological effects for which conventional drugs are known to operate."

Discover more here: https://homeopathic.com/homeopathic-medicine-and-the-immune-system/

Find yourself a homeopath and experience the benefits: www.findahomeopath.org

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Men's Health Month: It's Time To Talk

We all know that the last few months have been difficult for men and women alike. However, men tend to be less communicative than women, when it comes to sharing their health concerns with their family or friends. We should never underestimate the impact that isolation, job-worries, and not being able to get together with friends, may have on the mental health of men. Simply not being able to participate in your favourite sport, or take other forms of exercise, or even a change in diet because you’ve been stuck at home for months, can impact upon anyone’s physical or mental health.

But why is it that men seem less willing to seek help with health conditions? Perhaps there’s something in the male psyche which leads them to ignore concerns, or be embarrassed to discuss them? A survey last year1found that 80% of men would choose to endure an illness rather than seek help from a healthcare professional, and 39% have let symptoms become unbearable before visiting their GP.This delay can make things worse, or lead to long-term and chronic conditions, which could have been dealt with earlier.

If this sounds like you, take heart! Homeopathy could be just what you need! An appointment with a homeopath will enable you to discuss all of your concerns in a non-medical environment. The homeopath will take the time to get a picture of your overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing; they will look at you as a whole person and give you time to go through all your concerns. You will not feel rushed, and you will get much longer than the 9.2 minutes the average GP appointment lasts.

Given the current circumstances, the fear of seeking medical advice could increase for many men. It’s all too easy to ignore signs and symptoms. A number of homeopaths offer online consultations, so you can get the help and advice you need from the comfort and privacy of your own home if you prefer. It’s that easy.

If you’re stressed, have chronic pain, are constantly tired and lethargic, or have other concerns about your health and wellbeing, give homeopathy a try. Don't be one of the 39% who put off seeking help until things start to get serious. Sometimes things don’t get better on their own.

Take the first step to better health today, and check out findahomeopath.org #tryhomeopathy

Robert, 45, from Dalkeith tells us:

“I’ve suffered with anxiety and depression most of my adult life and tried therapy, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. Homeopathy has helped me get back to work and given me the strength to go out with my family. It’s helped me get to a point I never thought I’d reach”.

  1. Survey of 2,000 men commissioned by Bupa Health Clinics, November 2019

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Family First... Aid

It's all about the minor ailments and family first aid. There is much can be done to help and we've heard many people suggest every home should have a homeopathic first aid kit.

There's a variety of excellent articles on the topic, such as this one on over the counter homeopathic medicines from Steven and Lee Kayne (the creators of the handy charts we've shared earlier in HAW): https://www.britishhomeopathic.org/charity/how-we-can-help/articles/first-aid-and-travel/over-the-counter-otc-medicines/

Community Pharmacist Carol Jackson advises on 20 remedies she'd pack in a homeopathic first aid kit: https://www.britishhomeopathic.org/charity/how-we-can-help/articles/first-aid-and-travel/first-aid/

Homeopathy for babies and children: https://www.britishhomeopathic.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/babies-and-children-factsheet.pdf

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Respiratory Issues

One of the most common misapprehensions concerning homeopathy relates to its potential in serious illness. Many people mistakenly assume that this gentle therapy is only effective in mild conditions. Before the advent of antibiotics, the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital received patients suffering from severe infections, on transfer from other hospitals in the city where there was no possibility for active treatment.

Case records from the beginning of the 20th century make interesting reading. They contain details of patients who recovered, under homeopathic treatment, from pneumonias and other severe infections. It is important to remember, however, that, among the successes, there are also a number of patients treated at the beginning of the 20th century, who died and who would probably have survived with modern intensive care.

The converse irony is that today, after years of over-prescribing, increasing numbers of our antibiotics are becoming ineffective, with the emergence of resistant bacterial strains. We can only hope that prejudice will not prevent the medical community from tapping into a long neglected homeopathic knowledge base, for the sake of these patients.

In severe acute cases a doctor’s primary responsibility is to the safety of the patient. Miss S presented acutely with a severe chest infection and bronchospasm on a Friday afternoon. She was severely breathless at rest and virtually unable to speak. This patient did not want hospital admission. We insisted, however, that she demonstrate an unequivocal remedy response within 30 minutes, or emergency hospital admission would be arranged for her. Her air entry began to improve rapidly following homeopathic Squilla maritima and she returned home with a remedy sequence and strict instructions to call for help if the improvement was not maintained. By the time of her review, on the following Monday, she was markedly improved. She was completely free of respiratory signs and symptoms by the end of that week.


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