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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
Julien runs his private practice Rowan Health and the Edinburgh charitable clinic for Homeopathy UK. With 2 decades’ experience in integrative healthcare (homeopathy, osteopathy, acupuncture), he actively supports individuals, families, and professional athletes to reach their full potentials and live a joyful life.  
View Julien Baron-Meyet's Profile

Patient Testimonials


Conditions A to Z

A - C  |  D - F  |  G - I  |  J - L  |  M - O  |  P - R  |  S - U  |  V - Z

Condition: Vitiligo, hypothyroidism, coughs, colds, arthritis
How you found homeopathy.
When my son developed vitiligo 1 month after receiving TB vaccine which resulted in him going into shock, I took him to a number of doctors who suggested different things. One was a very expensive medicine costing £10 for a pill. I was told he would have to wear sunglasses when he was outside because otherwise his eyes could be damaged. I was introduced to homeopathy, at first his vitiligo would disappear in one place and reappear in another and with further treatment his vitiligo disappeared altogether.
How it benefited you or your family.
I have used homeopathy for myself when I developed Hypothyroidism 18 yrs ago, I never took thyroxin. Recently I have experienced arthritic pain in the middle finger of my left hand and took Causticum which reduced the pain and attacks totally. My youngest child has only had about 4 spoons of baby panadol and 1/4 bottle of ventolin his whole life - he is now 18 yrs old. He has only ever taken homeopathic remedies. My two older children from the ages of 7 yrs and 3 years have been on homeopathy whenever they have needed treatment for anything, but their health is so good that they are rarely sick.