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“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
“I have used homeopathy for my son who had eczema from 12 months and myself who had it since birth. I had every medication and was in and out of hospital. I’m now 90% better now than I was before seeing a homeopath. So impressed was I that I trained and am now qualified as a homeopath. ”
Jane Glover
Julien runs his private practice Rowan Health and the Edinburgh charitable clinic for Homeopathy UK. With 2 decades’ experience in integrative healthcare (homeopathy, osteopathy, acupuncture), he actively supports individuals, families, and professional athletes to reach their full potentials and live a joyful life.  
View Julien Baron-Meyet's Profile

Patient Testimonials


Conditions A to Z

A - C  |  D - F  |  G - I  |  J - L  |  M - O  |  P - R  |  S - U  |  V - Z

Condition: diabetic type2 forpast 24years,a lot of sufferings
How you found homeopathy.
first 10yearstakingonly allopathy medicines,there is no any improvement,then i start to take homeo medicines with allopathy indifferent times, now i am free from complications.
thanks to dr hahnimen.
How it benefited you or your family.
i attend many diabetic patients with prostatitis.'most of them get relief from bladder and prostate problems.
Keywords: Diabetes Prostatitis  

Condition: diabetic type 2 for past 24 years,a lot of sufferings
How you found homeopathy.
first 10 years taking only allopathy medicines,there is no any improvement,then i start to take homeo medicines with allopathy in different times, now i am free from complications.
thanks to dr hahnimen.
How it benefited you or your family.
i attend many diabetic patients with prostatitis.'most of them get relief from bladder and prostate problems.