Just One Drop: A film about Homeopathy
Just One Drop tells a no-holds-barred look at the most controversial form of medicine ever invented. Homeopathy treats the entire person, not just the disease. It’s a specific form of medicine that uses minute doses of a highly diluted substance that stimulates the body to cure itself. It is these tiny doses that causes the most controversy. Researchers believe there is a release of energy in water that becomes mysteriously dynamic. Others think it’s purely psychological or worse, a form of deception or quackery. Yet millions claim homeopathy cures even though there is not yet a satisfying scientific explanation. It remains a mystery.
Watch the movie trailer:
Public screenings around the UK are as follows:
Date: 7th April
Time: 7pm for refreshments; 7.30pm start
Hosted by: Em Colley
Price: Free
Contact: Em on em@emmacolley.co.uk
Venue: Octagon Theatre, Devonshire Institute, Main Street, Grassington, BD23 5AA
Refreshments available from 7pm and a short Q&A after the film.
Date: 7th April
Time: 7-9pm
Hosted by: Margaret Wyllie
Price: Donations
Contact: BHA beforehand - info@britishhomeopathic.org or call 020 3640 5903
Venue: St Andrew's & St George's West Church, George St (5 mins' walk from station)
Refreshments on arrival
Q&A session following screening
Date: 8th April
Time: 7.30pm
Hosted by: The School of Homeopathy
Price: £4.00 - book online before the event
Contact: jennie@homeopathyschool.com or 01453 765 956
Venue: The School of Homeopathy, Hawkwood College, Stroud, Gloucestershire
Q&A to follow with filmmaker Laurel Chiten and Gerry Dendrinos (from Australia, featured in the film.)
Date: 9th April
Time: 17.30
Hosted by: Mary Ellis
Price: Free
Contact: mhellis62@gmail.com or 07711418430
Venue: Salomons, Broomhill Road, Tunbridge Well, Kent
Date: 10th April
Time: 6-8pm
Hosted by: The Friends, Faculty and BHA
Price: Must email or call to get tickets. Limited number available.
Contact: info@britishhomeopathic.org or call 020 3640 5903
Venue: Artworkers' Guild, 6 Queen Square, London
Light refreshments served
Date: 10th April
Time: 21.00
Hosted by: Hilary Dorrion
Price: £11 includes post film discussion with the filmmaker
Contact: hilerydorrian@aol.com
Venue: Komedia Cinema, 44-47 Gardner St, Brighton and Hove
Q&A to follow with filmmaker Laurel Chiten and Gerry Dendrinos
About the film maker: Laurel Chiten
Laurel Chiten has been critiquing and influencing social issues for over 25 years. Her high-profile films have screened at film festivals around the world; at universities and medical schools; won numerous awards; been nominated for an Emmy and been broadcast on PBS’s Emmy winning national series, Independent Lens, and POV. Her previous films have gained her acknowledgment and respect from doctors, researchers and institutions including Harvard Medical School, UCLA, MIT, and Harvard University
Her films include: Twisted (2006) about people with the neurological disorder, dystonia. Touched, (2003) about people who think they have had contact with aliens and the Harvard psychiatrist who believed them. The Jew in the Lotus (1999), about a group of rabbis that met with the Dalai Lama, and Twitch and Shout (1994) about people living with Tourette Syndrome, nominated for a national Emmy. The intention in all her work is to entertain her audiences while educating them.

Watch the movie trailer:
Public screenings around the UK are as follows:
Date: 7th April
Time: 7pm for refreshments; 7.30pm start
Hosted by: Em Colley
Price: Free
Contact: Em on em@emmacolley.co.uk
Venue: Octagon Theatre, Devonshire Institute, Main Street, Grassington, BD23 5AA
Refreshments available from 7pm and a short Q&A after the film.
Date: 7th April
Time: 7-9pm
Hosted by: Margaret Wyllie
Price: Donations
Contact: BHA beforehand - info@britishhomeopathic.org or call 020 3640 5903
Venue: St Andrew's & St George's West Church, George St (5 mins' walk from station)
Refreshments on arrival
Q&A session following screening
Date: 8th April
Time: 7.30pm
Hosted by: The School of Homeopathy
Price: £4.00 - book online before the event
Contact: jennie@homeopathyschool.com or 01453 765 956
Venue: The School of Homeopathy, Hawkwood College, Stroud, Gloucestershire
Q&A to follow with filmmaker Laurel Chiten and Gerry Dendrinos (from Australia, featured in the film.)
Date: 9th April
Time: 17.30
Hosted by: Mary Ellis
Price: Free
Contact: mhellis62@gmail.com or 07711418430
Venue: Salomons, Broomhill Road, Tunbridge Well, Kent
Date: 10th April
Time: 6-8pm
Hosted by: The Friends, Faculty and BHA
Price: Must email or call to get tickets. Limited number available.
Contact: info@britishhomeopathic.org or call 020 3640 5903
Venue: Artworkers' Guild, 6 Queen Square, London
Light refreshments served
Date: 10th April
Time: 21.00
Hosted by: Hilary Dorrion
Price: £11 includes post film discussion with the filmmaker
Contact: hilerydorrian@aol.com
Venue: Komedia Cinema, 44-47 Gardner St, Brighton and Hove
Q&A to follow with filmmaker Laurel Chiten and Gerry Dendrinos

About the film maker: Laurel Chiten
Laurel Chiten has been critiquing and influencing social issues for over 25 years. Her high-profile films have screened at film festivals around the world; at universities and medical schools; won numerous awards; been nominated for an Emmy and been broadcast on PBS’s Emmy winning national series, Independent Lens, and POV. Her previous films have gained her acknowledgment and respect from doctors, researchers and institutions including Harvard Medical School, UCLA, MIT, and Harvard University
Her films include: Twisted (2006) about people with the neurological disorder, dystonia. Touched, (2003) about people who think they have had contact with aliens and the Harvard psychiatrist who believed them. The Jew in the Lotus (1999), about a group of rabbis that met with the Dalai Lama, and Twitch and Shout (1994) about people living with Tourette Syndrome, nominated for a national Emmy. The intention in all her work is to entertain her audiences while educating them.