A homeopathic approach to dealing with anger
The British Association of anger management states: ‘The aim of Anger Awareness Week is to identify anger as a disturbing social issue which needs to be brought out into the open and addressed effectively. Anger Awareness Week will help people befriend anger by using the right tools to calm themselves down and to deal effectively with this emotion, be it of their own or that of others.’
Some anger is normal and possibly a healthy reaction to situations that for whatever reason, provoke an anger response. Such strength of emotion can motivate one to take charge, to change things from a negative to a positive and to stop us being a victim in certain circumstances. It is, in my opinion, a way of telling ourselves that our limits of tolerance have been reached, to step back and reassess and to change whatever it is that is upsetting us. So, on a positive side, anger can be both motivating and empowering, providing it is short lived and contained. However, I am sure we have all ‘crossed the line’ at times and acted in a way, which in retrospect, we would change. Normally, no harm is done, hurt feelings, bruised pride and a sense of being temporarily out of control, which is often, hopefully, balanced by heartfelt apologies and possibly lessons learnt; we are after all, only human and have a right to experience both positive and negative emotions.
It does, however, risk becoming pathological and a danger to ones’ health when it cannot be controlled or channeled positively and in a short period of time. This can cause both physical and mental problems which can become deep seated. High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and a variety of emotional health problems. Symptoms would depend on the cause but could include violence, rudeness, loss of control, and inability to be rational. Physically, flushed face, increased blood pressure, tension throughout the body, rapid pulse, shortness of breath and shaking. As a consequence, the immune system can become affected as the vital force is knocked off balance There are few things worse than absorbing the vibration of someone who is permanently angry with life. For both the victims and his/her victims, it is essential to focus and address the route cause of the problem and treat with an appropriate remedy. Homeopathy will help to bring the body into a state of homeostasis, balancing the mind and body, by addressing specific aetiologies (causes). Anger is frequently caused by overwhelming stress and anxiety but the specific state would be addressed and a suitable remedy suggested in keeping with the totality of the characteristic symptoms. Underneath the anger could lie feelings of fear and anxiety, hurt, humiliation, feelings of rejection, physical or emotional abuse, or it could be a physical problem affecting the mind, all of which could be discovered throughout in depth consultation. Specific remedies for other triggers are listed below.
Remedies to consider:
- Arnica – If the anger follows a fright.
- Aurum Metallicum – Deep depression, fear, worry accompanying the anger, very sensitive, possibly talks of suicide.
- Bryonia alba – If everything is irritating and the anger is accompanied by a headache, parched mouth and dizziness
- Chamomilla – If anger causes colic, perspiration; in teething babies, and temper tantrums in children/people of all ages. Pain for both the victim and the witness is often intolerable.
- Cina- Anger accompanied by nervousness; children can be particularly abusive. Frequently, intestinal worms are part of the picture.
- Colocynthis – Anger with indignation, often accompanied by stomach cramps
- Crocus Sativas – Anger often with violence, followed by laughter
- Ignatia –Where anger follows grief, shock or disappointment, sighing and sobbing, melancholic
- Mercurius solubilis - Sudden anger with an impulse to do violence
- Natrum Mur - Ill effects from anger with fear. Sometimes vengeful and violent.
- Nitric acid - Hateful vindictive head strong but with hopeless despair, sensitive to noise pain and touch
- Nux vomica - Violent temper and can not bear contradiction, generally irritable and angry. Anger may lead to indigestion. Person is irritable and can not bear noise or smells. Moody and fault finding and with a fiery temperament
- Sepia - Sepia is a good remedy for pre menstrual or menopausal anger. Easily offended and indifferent to family; very sad and weepy with anxiety towards evening.
- Staphysagria - Ill effects from anger and insults, suppressed anger and indignation. A common remedy for suppressed anger that is suddenly explosive.
- Sulphur - Feels depressed, weak lazy and irritable selfish with no regard for others
In addition to consulting a homeopath, there is much you can do for yourself.
- Identify the cause and any situations that are likely to provoke anger. Avoid where possible and realize the negative, destructive effect exposing yourself to these situations has on you and others.
- Exercise helps to work out negative energies as does yoga, and meditation
- Cultivate your loves and interests and focus on what you enjoy and what gives you profound satisfaction – music, writing, painting etc.
- Avoid any sort of addictive behavior, (alcohol, drugs, fast food) or at least recognize it, and seek help. This behavior can cause or exacerbate the state.
- Try and be positive and nurture loving thoughts
- Be accountable for your actions and reason with yourself; imagine you are a highly esteemed role model for your family, friends and children and act like you would like them to do so.
By controlling your anger, you will be healthier and happier and will be able to radiate your calm to a positive effect on those around you. The change starts with you. For more advice, contact a homeopath at www.findahomeopath.org.
Gill Graham