January problems
Whatever race, religion or spiritual leanings we have, we are all faced with January, and the start of a new year. Many of you may identify with me in that the end of the year included massive amounts of preparation for Christmas or other festive celebrations. Cooking, shopping, and entertaining endlessly, with an open heart; joyfully taking on these extra challenges in addition to our normal busy lives, grateful for the energy we are able to invest whilst our effervescence is as tangible as the finest ‘Cristal.’
However, come the beginning of January, many of us feel a tinge of burn out, disorientation and exhaustion often coupled with the usual sluggishness associated with over consumption of foods we are not used to eating and the after effects of hyperactivity. Even by addressing our diets, we are still left emotionally bewildered at a time when the world is telling us to ‘Strive for a new you!! ‘Make this year count!!’ ‘Be the best you can be and achieve your potential!!’ A tall order when you are feeling like a large snail, who just wants to crawl back under her stone and sleep and recharge.
It is comforting at least to see there is security in numbers. There is much we can do for ourselves however, to rebalance our bodies and minds which doesn’t involve beating ourselves up for eating our weight in mince pies and glugging prosecco like there is no tomorrow whilst ignoring our own emotional needs. Thankfully, we can slowly observe our own transformation as one emerges slowly from our shell or maybe another fitting analogy lies in the word ‘chrysalis.’
Specifically here, I am looking at homeopathic remedies to help with renewing our energy and sense of worth and purpose after a potentially exhausting time, therefore the focus here is on the pathological mind symptoms. A few indicated remedies are listed, to show the scope of homeopathic treatment, when we are left feeling tired and disorientated; however, as ever, I strongly suggest you contact a homeopath to address the symptoms in their totality.
Phosphoric Acid - To be considered if feeling:
- A very still depressiveness, the cause of which can lie in too much excitement, humiliation, fright, grief or shock
- Listlessness
- Indifferent to what is happening in life
- Exhaustion, becoming withdrawn
- Wants to go home and be alone
Sepia -To be considered if feeling:
- Shut down
- Indifferent, particularly to one’s family and those she loves the best
- Indolent, doesn’t want to do anything, work or play. Even thinking is hard
- Wants to be alone
- Confused
- Dislikes company and consolation
- Irritable
- Sensitive to noise, music, pain
- Sluggish
- Tearful and weepy
Staphysagria -To be considered if feeling:
- Violated, leading to indignation and resentment
- If feelings of resentment and injustice build up, this can often result in violent outburst of rage. Great indignation about things done by others or by himself. Dwells on the consequences
- Extremely sensitive to the slightest mental impressions. Often the least harmful word offends
- Has been insulted, but is too dignified to fight, resulting in exhaustion and sickness accompanied by trembling.
- Apathetic, indifferent and low spirited.
Cocculus -To be considered if feeling:
- Loss of sleep, from a multitude of causes, whether caring for others or self-deprivation due to lifestyle.
- Stress resulting in exhaustion leading to confusion and forgetfulness. Often those requiring cocculus will appear dazed to others.
- Grief or anger with associated trembling.
Ignatia -To be considered if feeling:
- Sensitive, broody, aliments from disappointed love
- Grief: for those that are alone and who have sad memories at this time, with a tendency to sigh
- Emotional state can swing rapidly from joy to sorrow and laughing to weeping
- Desire to be alone
- People affected by long term deep grief
- Often fine, delicate, sensitive people, who take offence to contradiction, leading to anger.
Phosphorous – To be considered if feeling:
- Anxious
- Weak
- Fearful, often of being alone
- Sensitive, particularly to pain and light
- Jumpy and irritable
- Weary of life and full of gloomy forebodings
- Love and need reassurance, touch and affection
There are many more remedy’s that could be considered, these are just a few that cover some of the emotional states that can potentially follow a full on, sometimes immensely complex time. A psychological overload, often caused by
too much interaction or possibly not enough, evoking strong feelings for which suppression is not the answer.
I hope this will be a remarkable year for you and yes, you can fly and evolve like the most glorious butterfly or carry any baggage you have freely and effortlessly, with the correct mind set.
As ever, professional homeopathic advice should be sought:http://www.findahomeopath.org/Search/Postcode