“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.” Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.” Cindy Lund
It's been a week of more homeopathy bashing. It's not quite a national sport (actually far off as so many people are actually open to homeopathy) but those denialists do have loud voices.
So it felt like a good time to share a reasoned response from a doctor who has recently used homeopathy and to hear what they had to say. Here you go:
'As a doctor, I realize how our conventional training does not really embrace complementary treatments that have been so inherent in treating people over the centuries. We are now living in a climate where a ‘treatments worth’ only seems to be legitimate if proven with a clinical trials sponsored by a variety sources. The irony for me is that homeopaths were the first to create these trials to prove their remedies did work, but this seems to have been largely ignored with trials now testing the validity of pharmaceuticals.
I am a GP, and have undergraduate degrees in Biochemistry and Pharmacology. I am currently very fortunate to be studying the art of holistic medicine in the form of a Masters level Diploma in Integrative medicine at the National centre of Integrative medicine where we look to combine conventional medicine with complementary and traditional medicine, looking at an individual not just from the physical realm as we are often trained to do as doctors but addressing their mind, body and emotions. I have been fascinated by the wealth of complementary treatments out there and learning about them all in a scientific way has been no short of phenomenal. In particular my experience of homeopathy has been quite remarkable with significantly positive effects on my wellbeing. Discovered by Samuel Hahnemann and based on the principle ‘like cures like’ using a minimum dose, homeopathy is the second most commonly used medicine in the world as stated by WHO and is used by 200 million people worldwide.
I met [the homeopath] at one of our Integrative medicine training days in Bristol. An experienced homeopath of many years, she lives on the edge of the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. I was impressed by her empathy and thoroughness in taking a full history, and really understanding my past so she could move forward with me in terms of selecting the best remedy to match my current life situation. Aware of my propensity to easily burn myself out and ‘do too much for others’ she was able to provide an incredibly bespoke homeopathic remedy, from a place of ‘feeling overwhelmed by my mind’ to a place where I felt calmer and happier, improving my fatigue and sleep. Her remedies worked gently with no side effects and the feeling of wellbeing became obviously pertinent over the weeks. She continues to have follow-up consultations with me every 6 weeks and is able to offer me Face time appointments to save time travelling. I feel she is extremely supportive and really helps nurture my resilience.'
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. In most cases this inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection and is considered an infection of the urinary tract. Cystitis most often occurs in women, due to anatomical differences. However, in middle-aged men, a swollen prostrate is the typical cause of urine retention, which can then cause an infection.
Approximately 20-40% of women get cystitis during their lives. Underlying causes include nutritional deficiencies and immune susceptibility, as well as often the more obvious irritations from intercourse, tight clothing, hot spices, coffee, tea, alcohol or high sugar in the urine. Food allergies may be a significant factor, especially in children. Medication, particularly drugs used for chemotherapy, can cause inflammation of the bladder. Also, long-term use of a catheter may cause inflammation of the bladder.
Symptoms of cystitis can be uncomfortable and unpleasant. Symptoms include pain or burning (before, during or after urination), cloudy urine that can be smelly, a strong urge to urinate which is difficult to resist, frequently passing small amounts of urine, and a discomfort or pressure in the lower pelvic area.
Cystitis is conventionally treated with antibiotics. However, cystitis can be treated successfully with homeopathy, although in some cases antibiotic treatment may be necessary. If this happens, homeopathic remedies can be used as well, and the need for prolonged antibiotic treatment may be reduced or eliminated. Repeated and prolonged use of antibiotics suppresses the immune system and there is a high risk of developing a resistance to antibiotics which might become a problem if antibiotics are needed in emergencies and more serious conditions. We need to remember that our body has an innate ability to heal itself, thus the correct homeopathic remedy can easily tackle the discomfort and pain .
*Note: There can be other causes for these symptoms. The patient with more than one episode of acute cystitis must consult their GP as to fully investigate the urinary tract as a whole. Provided that serious disease has been excluded by the appropriate medical tests, homeopathic medicine may be more beneficial than some orthodox medical treatments.
General advice: Drink plenty of water to flush out the infection. Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol as these acidify the body. As germs come from the anal area wipe from front to back with toilet paper. Don’t use soaps, shower gels & bath lotions contain chemicals. Empty bladder after intercourse. Avoid tight clothing and wear cotton pants. Taking regular probiotics such as Acidophilus helps to keep the gut replenished with healthy bacteria which reduces chances of infections.
Homeopathy for Cystitis
Apis: This remedy may be indicated when there are burning and stinging pains during urination. Last drops burn and smart. Retention of urine, especially in the night. Difficult, frequent or slow urination; must press to pass urine. Great restlessness and the person is very fidgety. Worse from heat in any form, so this remedy is to be considered if the person cannot bear a hot application on their tummy. No thirst.
Belladonna: Dull pressing pain in bladder – the entire lower pelvic area feels hot. Shooting pain in bladder when moving. Spasmodic pains of ureter and bladder. Incontinence (continuous dripping of urine). Frequent and profuse urination. There is a great thirst for cold water and the person is very restless.
Cantharis: Cantharis is one of the main remedies for cystitis. There is a very frequent urge to urinate. Stinging/burning/cutting pains before, during and after urination. Severe burning pains in bladder. Heavy sensation in the bladder, feels sore on slightest motion. Small quantities of dark urine, with or without blood. Bladder pains, worse drinking even the smallest amount of water. Better from warm applications. Thirst unquenchable. Aggravation from drinking coffee – drinking the smallest quantity increases pain in bladder.
Causticum: This remedy is to be considered for retention of urine after labour and surgical ops. Paralysis of bladder from long retention of urine and consequent incontinence. Involuntary passing of urine when coughing, walking, blowing nose etc. Urine dribbles or passes slowly.
Equisetum: This remedy may be useful for urgent desire to urinate with prickling, biting and itching sensations. Frequent and profuse urination of clear/watery urine. Feeling of fullness in bladder, not relieved by urination. Sharp, burning, cutting pain during urination.
Mercurius corrosivus: This remedy may be useful for severe and painful cystitis. Very painful spams of the bladder. Frequent urge to urinate. Intense burning in bladder and urethra. Stabbing pain up urethra into bladder. Burning pain with little or no urine. Urine is dark/bloody. Unquenchable thirst for cold drinks.
Sarsaparilla: Painful spasm of the bladder. Urination easier when standing. Unbearable pain at the end of urination. Urine is scanty and contains blood.
Staphisagria: ‘Honeymoon cystitis’, worse after sex. Irritable bladder. Burning pains in the urethra, especially between urination. Pain better from passing urine. Pressure upon bladder, feels as if bladder not empty. No thirst.
Herbs for Cystitis
Herbs for the urinary tract generally have diuretic effects, to flush out microorganisms and inflammation by-products. Many are also anti-microbial, either destroying microorganisms or stimulating the body to do so. Here are a few herbs that might be helpful to combat bladder infections:
Cranberry reduces bacteria and prevents them from adhering to the bladder walls. It can be taken as a preventative in people with recurring infections. Cranberry mildly acidifies the urine, eliminating alkaline bacteria (i.e. E. coli)
Goldenseal has anti-inflammatory anti-microbial properties, it destroys many types of bacteria. It is especially effective for chronic cystitis and has an healing effect on bladder linings, stops bleeding and heals ulceration.
Marshmallow is a soothing demulcent to the lining of the urinary tract. It decreases inflammation in the urinary tract.
Uva ursi has diuretic and astringent effects in acute and chronic urinary problems. It is a urinary ‘disinfectant’ as it has anti-septic properties, effective for many types of bacteria. Avoid acidic foods, and cranberry, which decrease its effectiveness.
Yarrow increases urination. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, while soothing bladder spasms. Yarrow tones the urinary tract and acts and acts as a mild pain reliever in infections.
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace the advice of your physician or health care provider. First aid situations may require medical or hospital care. Do not use this article as a means to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think that your condition may be serious, before discontinuing any medication that has been prescribed for you, or before starting any new treatment.
If you cannot decide which homeopathic remedy to select or if you have recurring or chronic cystitis, then please book an appointment for a full consultation with a professional homeopath.
A trial has started in January 2017 to see if homeopathy can help in the treatment of osteosarcoma in dogs. Osteosarcoma is a very serious disease and the average survival time until euthanasia is about two months, unless amputation and chemotherapy are employed, when it is about eleven months. This trial is open to those who decide, in consultation with their vet, that amputation is not what they want for their dog.
The owners and dog will need to attend the trial centre for at least one consultation which might last up to 90 minutes. The consultations and medicine will be free.
The homeopathic remedies will be chosen specifically for the dog, based on the history and clinical signs. The dog will remain under the care of the primary vet, and if euthanasia is required, as always that decision will be taken by the owners and the primary vet. This is to ensure no additional suffering will be undergone by any dog participating in the trial.
If a dog is to be entered for the trial, the owner and vet need to complete the forms which can be downloaded from the Britsih Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons' website – bahvs.com.
If you have any questions or wish to enter your dog for the trial, contact the centre below.
Geoff Johnson qualified as a veterinary surgeon in 1987, and subsequently qualified in veterinary homeopathy in 1999. He is the principal of a busy homeopathic veterinary surgery in West Somerset. He lectures frequently at home and abroad. He wrote the curriculum and taught the Danish Homeopathic Veterinary Diploma, which has just graduated nine vets. He is one of the few UK vets who treats animals diagnosed with cancer using homeopathy. He lectured conventional vets on this subject at the SW and London Vet Shows in 2014.
In his Somerset practice, Geoff has gained considerable experience of treating dogs presenting with a range of canine cancers using homeopathy. He has observed some dogs entering permanent remission with the disappearance of the tumour and health restored. Some dogs were palliated with improved vigour, lessening of clinical symptoms, and life extended beyond conventional expectations. Some dogs appeared to gain no benefit at all. He has specifically observed improvements in some dogs presenting with osteosarcoma. He has treated five such cases using solely homeopathy. None of these dogs underwent amputation nor received chemotherapy. Two died years later of old age, one was euthanased after 22 months and two were euthanased within three months. Three of the five dogs exceeded the mean survival times of dogs which received amputation and chemotherapy, although the dogs treated received only pain relief for a short period. Two of these three dogs went into complete remission. These anecdotal results suggest treatment from a homeopath might offer an effective adjunct to current conventional treatment.
Vets4InformedChoice has been set up to raise awareness of the Evidence Base (or lack of) for many current Veterinary Practices, enabling animal owners and guardians to make considered responsible choices without pressure from the Veterinary Industry.
If you want to help please sign up to our Campaign, and we will send you updates and who to contact as events unfold: www.vets4informedchoice.org
Concerns over frequent and unneccesary Vaccination, Corporatisation of Veterinary Clinics, Pressure Selling of products and services etc. are widespread and growing.
Anyone who puts their head above the parapet within the profession risks their career, with just one example being the current campaign to ban Vets from prescribing Homeopathy, and to restrict Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM).
Vets utilising CAM as part of their clinical approach are great observers of matters, seeing and often fixing daily the failures of the conventional approach to therapy. They have been proven right many times, not least in exposing the lack of need for annual vaccines, confirmed by the mainstream industry’s own data and research. However, vaccination drives footfall, product sales and more, and many Vets base a significant part of marketing on the practice, so there is a reluctance to change and reduce their adminstration.
Vets using CAM now face a campaign within the profession to restrict and or ban their practices in the UK.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has announced a review of its position statement and guidance regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicines, but is it fit to do so? With Council Members openly supporting the campaign against CAM, no representation from those affected (the Vets and the owners of animals depending on them), and the Veterinary press publishing almost weekly denigrating attacks, it seems impossible that Vets using CAM can survive, and animals benefitting from such therapies will be denied care.
Our first campaign is to raise awareness of these issues, get the public to write to the Minister, their MPs, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the Press to get their voices heard.
We will be adding articles and content soon to more pages
If you want to help please sign up to our Campaign, and we will send you updates and who to contact as events unfold: www.vets4informedchoice.org
Examination stress – fear of failing an exam, loss of focus, brain fog and much more can cause huge anxiety in students says homeopath Ulrike Holzer
Almost every student suffers stress to some degree before or during their exams. Stress can lead to a range of sypmtoms, as well as reducing the function of your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, sore throats, upset tummies, headaches, to name a few.
Coping with exam stress
Healthy diet: A balanced diet is vital for your child’s health, and can help them to feel well during exam periods.
Avoid high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine foods and drinks (such as cola, sweets, chocolate, burgers and chips) as they cause hyperactivity, irritabability and mood swings. Make sure your teenager eats plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, and that they drink enough water to avoid dehydration headaches.
Encourage sleep: Good sleep will improve thinking and concentration. Most teenagers need between 8 and 10 hours’ sleep a night. Allow half an hour or so for kids to wind down between studying, watching TV or using a computer and going to bed to help them get a good night’s sleep. Cramming all night before an exam is usually a bad idea. Sleep will benefit your teenager far more than hours of panicky last-minute study.
Discuss their nerves: Remind your teenager that feeling nervous is normal. Nervousness is a natural reaction to exams. The key is to put these nerves to positive use. Being reminded of what they do know and the time they have put into study can help them feel confident.
Exercise: Exercise can help boost energy levels, clear the mind and relieve stress. Walking, cycling, swimming, football and dancing are all effective.
Natural remedies to help combat exam stress
A carefully chosen homeopathic remedy matched to the individual may help with the mental, emotional and physical symptoms of stress. by triggering the body’s ability to self-heal.
Here are a few homeopathic remedies which might be useful to help with exam stress:
Nux vomica: symptoms include hearburn and indigestion, irritability. Wakes at 3am and finds it hard to go back to sleep as having a rush of thoughts. Nux vom is particularly for last minute revisers who have been burning the candle at both ends.
Arsenicum: is good for people who feel very anxious, especially after midnight. They may panic and not be able to settle because they feel restless. A runny tummy before the exam often accompanies the symptoms.
Gelsemium: may help those suffering from performance nerves who may lack confidence and give up because they feel they may fail.
Argentum nitricum: is ideal for impulsive people who behave in an irritable way and then they regret it. They often hurry because they are worried about being late or missing deadlines. “What if …? is the motto of this teenager. Often runny stools from anticipation.
Lycopodium: is an excellent remedy for the type of person who is very industrious and tends to over-prepare. Their low self-esteem can show itself by causing them to miss letters and words when reading or speaking. The symptoms are often at their worst between 4pm and 8pm or if they have missed a meal.
Aethusia cynapium: is a wonderful remedy for brain fatigue from over-study. Inability to think and to fix attention. Examination fears.
Anacardium: Nervous exhaustion from over-study and loss of memory from fright or mortification. Fear of examinations with lack of confidence.
* Note: Please consult a professional homeopath if symptoms are serious and persist.
Other natural remedies to help with exam stress: There are certain Bach Flower remediesto help your child psychologically if they are having learning problems, such like Aspen, Mimilus, Chestnud Bud, Clematis and Larch.