If you want to help please sign up to our Campaign, and we will send you updates and who to contact as events unfold: www.vets4informedchoice.org
Concerns over frequent and unneccesary Vaccination, Corporatisation of Veterinary Clinics, Pressure Selling of products and services etc. are widespread and growing.
Anyone who puts their head above the parapet within the profession risks their career, with just one example being the current campaign to ban Vets from prescribing Homeopathy, and to restrict Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM).
Vets utilising CAM as part of their clinical approach are great observers of matters, seeing and often fixing daily the failures of the conventional approach to therapy. They have been proven right many times, not least in exposing the lack of need for annual vaccines, confirmed by the mainstream industry’s own data and research. However, vaccination drives footfall, product sales and more, and many Vets base a significant part of marketing on the practice, so there is a reluctance to change and reduce their adminstration.
Vets using CAM now face a campaign within the profession to restrict and or ban their practices in the UK.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has announced a review of its position statement and guidance regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicines, but is it fit to do so? With Council Members openly supporting the campaign against CAM, no representation from those affected (the Vets and the owners of animals depending on them), and the Veterinary press publishing almost weekly denigrating attacks, it seems impossible that Vets using CAM can survive, and animals benefitting from such therapies will be denied care.
Our first campaign is to raise awareness of these issues, get the public to write to the Minister, their MPs, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the Press to get their voices heard.
We will be adding articles and content soon to more pages
If you want to help please sign up to our Campaign, and we will send you updates and who to contact as events unfold: www.vets4informedchoice.org