A homeopathic approach to healing the healers and victims in traumatic circumstances
‘What you are the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.’ ― Jiddu Krishnamurti
It has been a long summer, where I had the privilege of taking the majority of August out of my regular working diary to go on holiday, concentrate on various upcoming projects, and reflect.
Much of this year has been taken up with horrendous humanitarian crises, most notably refugees, arriving homeless, devastated and bereft in various parts of Europe. We cannot begin to understand their deep seated distress. Their traumas we cannot possibly identify with, hearts shattered and families broken. These are crimes inflicted by our fellow humans, many using their faith as a means of justifying unspeakable acts of terrorism, unimaginable in our civilised comfortable lives; witnessing the persistent, unremitting brutality of our fellow man. In addition, have any of us here, reading this ever been hungry, let alone starving? Have we ever been so thirsty we are forced to drink contaminated water or worse, give it to our children? Have we ever been without the most basic of clothes and human necessities? It is in the identification of these fundamental needs that we show our humanity and in our ability to actively help.
Many of my friends and colleagues are giving generously of their time and expertise to work in the camps in Calais and Dunkirk, feeling outraged at the lack of compassion and morality they are witnessing, but helping selflessly and unconditionally; ‘being there’ as much as they can, treating homeopathically, alongside conventional medics, and working in many other capacities, way beyond the normal remit of health professionals. Although I personally have not yet been, I and many of my peers have helped in other ways, through donations of clothes or money. I remain full of admiration and pride for my friends who are physically able to be present to help.
It is in this spirit that this blog is written, to help those who spend much of their time devoting themselves to the needs of other people, and in the need to recognise that it is important to also care for oneself, on every level, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Only in doing this are we capable of giving of our best in a healing capacity to others. For this reason, I have selected several homeopathic remedies that help to balance those who work in this sphere. Often feelings of exhaustion, disgust, indignation, inadequacy, total disillusionment, are experienced, together with abject fear, and permanent apprehension as to the future.
Several of the following remedies could apply to both the victims and the carers, in any situation that warrants healing.
Indicated when:
- Evidence of extreme fear, often with and inexplicable, vivid sense of imminent death, coupled with restlessness and agitation.
- Ailments from shock, the person looks scared and has very small pupils.
- Most helpful during the first hours after a traumatic event; it might also be called for many years later.
Indicated when:
- As well as being the remedy par excellence for physical trauma, arnica is well indicated in the treatment of mental injuries, trauma, shock, grief, remorse and fright.
- It is also a wonderful remedy for those suffering from a ‘broken heart’ as the result of a lost relationship, whatever the circumstances.
Arsenicum album
Indicated when:
- The patient is anxious, restless, and fidgety, often pacing up and down.
- They constantly call for help, need to be reassured, and crave company.
- They may become chilly and may feel much worse after midnight.
- They’re unable to sleep and may develop diarrhea from severe anxiety.
- This remedy is excellent for those who also have acute general anxiety about their health.
Aurum Metallicum
Indicated when:
- There is great despair and emptiness.
- Aurum also covers physical and emotional pain as well as the desire to commit suicide.
- They have a loathing of life and want to avoid other people
- They often have feelings of guilt
- The patient often suffers from wounded honour or pride (or both.)
Indicated when:
- Particularly children are fractious and have experienced severe trauma, chamomilla brings a sense of calm
- They may become hyper-vigilant and hypersensitive.
- They may complain of stomach aches and be overly sensitive to noise and music.
- Whining and restlessness evident
- Being gently rocked often brings relief.
- Chamomilla is often indicated if the person suffering is driving YOU to distraction!
Ignatia Amara
Indicated when:
- Strongly indicated for those suffering from grief
- A wonderful remedy for disillusionment, particularly with people in general or with a loved one
- A feeling of betrayal with a broken heart, often accompanied by deep depression.
- An Ignatia patient may also have psychosomatic symptoms such as sighing, choking, a stiff neck, and a globus hystericus .
- They often weep for help and attention
- Very sensitive to reprimand/adnomition
Natrum Muriaticum
Indicated when:
- A more chronic grief, in general than ignatia
- Silent grief, never crying except perhaps when alone listening to classical music.
- These people are easily offended and find it hard to forgive and forget
- They dwell on a painful event, sometimes with great vindictiveness.
- Reserved, often numb, physically and emotionally
Indicated when:
- Nightmares after violence.
- People needing Staphysagria feel powerless and unable to defend themselves.
- Staphysagria is often given acutely for the physical effects of suppressed anger, which is often not even felt, as it is deeply suppressed.
- Often very dignified people who do not want to burden others with their distress..
- Great indignation about the things done by others or by himself, grieves about the consequences.
Indicated when:
- One of the main remedy’s for post traumatic stress disorder
- Subsequently, the patient can become obsessed with war and violence
- Person is affected by nightmares or night terrors, and is particularly afraid to be left alone in the dark.
- Helpful for anxiety disorders after experiencing violence; experiences anguish, fear, sleeplessness and imagines they are surrounded by danger.
- Some people develop violent behavior after a terrorizing experience, which can come in outbursts. They may become afraid of the dark, of dogs or other animals, and of water.
- Some children begin to stammer; others may exhibit various grimaces and twitches.
The world is upside down. Gross injustices and wars are occurring, in front of our eyes. It is easy to feel depleted, helpless and inadequate. For those, be it homeopath, doctor, nurse or carer who help others who are suffering as a result of being directly involved in the atrocities, or in fact, following any trauma, it can be an exhausting, thankless task, often deeply affecting their own emotional health.
It is therefore not self indulgent for the ‘carer’ in whatever capacity to take time out to attend to their own health, through consultation with a homeopath. By being balanced, unsuppressed, having voiced anger and outrage at the frequently absent lack of humanity in this world, we are stronger; more capable of loving and dispersing our love and care, hopefully which will have a ripple effect, and that divine goodness overcomes insidious hatred. In the spirit of love and care, please help in any way you can.
As ever, consult a registered homeopath: www.findahomeopath.org
For more information about helping and supporting some of the people mentioned above, have a look at www.homeopathssupport.com.
Gill Graham, BSc (Hons) BA (Hons) RSHom, DHMHS